Anyone fancy trying this?

Just don’t tell the Boss. :laughing:

Don’t think my MAN would survive the landing :unamused:

oh ■■■■, don’t let Curryfart see this.

Just don’t tell the Boss. :laughing:

Don’t think my MAN would survive the landing :unamused:[/quote

That would be a ■■■■■■■ brilliant experience. :laughing: :laughing: :open_mouth:

Would be cool :sunglasses: Its like some of the quarries ive been in :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Could be any speed bump in Surrey, lol

how many motorbikes did he clear lol

Hey Man, Looks to me like a Eddie Stobarts driving assessment!

That’s how I pull into the services on 9:55 hrs drive time :slight_smile:

Don’t think my MAN would survive the landing :unamused:

You should use a proper lorry to do it then.

Just don’t tell the Boss. :laughing:

Don’t think my MAN would survive the landing :unamused:

Good acceleration from the off! Hell of a landing on the inside too :laughing:

Just don’t tell the Boss. :laughing:

Don’t think my MAN would survive the landing :unamused:

Good acceleration from the off! Hell of a landing on the inside too :laughing:

Just don’t tell the Boss. :laughing:

Don’t think my MAN would survive the landing :unamused:

Good acceleration from the off! Hell of a landing on the inside too :laughing:

Is that not just coming out of the tramlines on the m25 no?