Anyone fancy doing some Hi-Ab Work?.. ha ha ha

Thought you guys would appreciate these… Made me chuckle…

"Here Boss, theres one of them Southend On Sea cruisers in the drink again… "

"Oi Mate… you got some Flat Tyres on that crane of yours??.. "

“Ummmmm… Errrrrrr… Boss??..”

"Okay, Okay… stop ya messin’ around… Let the big boyz get in there… "

:unamused: :unamused: :sunglasses: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :sunglasses: :laughing: :sunglasses: Seen them before Andy but yeah, still made me laugh and have a closer look!



scania king kev:
…and have a closer look!



Ive had a closer look, but cant see anything else though kev, what am I looking for?? :confused:

In the 1st and 2nd pics I thought that truck was going
to go over and it did. Good pics AndyM :smiley:

As demonstrated in the last picture with the Volvo, always use the legs when craning over the side.

good pics but they did do the rounds on trucknet a couple of months back several times! :sunglasses:

I think the legs were out on the 1st wagon. Look in front of the man with the red jumper on in the 2nd picture. I can’t look at it anymore, it’s hurting my eyes!

Where was the driver standing?

i wonder who got the job to hook the chains on to the merc, :laughing: the last driver i suppose

I think the legs were out on the 1st wagon. Look in front of the man with the red jumper on in the 2nd picture. I can’t look at it anymore, it’s hurting my eyes!

Where was the driver standing?

I’ve zoomed in on the photo and it looks like a pole on the quayside. See how it is bent over in the next picture.

The merc looks to be listing far too much to have had the legs out. (The one on the nearside certainly wasn’t in use)

I’ve seen a “farked” version of this series where the Volvo also falls in, but it’s pretty obviously been photoshopped.

One of our drivers was lifting a load onto his truck from another truck in the yard without using legs. When he lifted a 1.8t bundle he nearly tipped his truck over, almost crushing himself between the 2 trucks. Luckily he jumped clear.