Anyone else watched this?

Bit weird [emoji53]


aye, over a year ago…

Fail [emoji19]

it was so sad i ended up slitting my wrists and topping myself hence im now typing this on a ouija board from the other side.
if you dont believe me your welcome to ask my mate elvis,hes sitting here beside me.

At least it pleased the day men on here who are always slavering on at every opportunity about ‘‘Sleeping in a tin box/Unpaid securityman/Never washing/■■■■■■■■ in a carrier bag’’ and all the rest of the ■■■■■■■■ they come out with to make themselves feel better about their boring routine up and down the M6 everyday (Just on a wind up chaps, you understand :wink: :smiley: )

Thing is though I’ve tramped for more years than I want to think about, and it bears zero resemblance to any tramping I’ve ever done, and if it did I reckon I’d be swapping the John Smiths for Domestos one weekend. :cry:

it was so sad i ended up slitting my wrists and topping myself hence im now typing this on a ouija board from the other side.
if you dont believe me your welcome to ask my mate elvis,hes sitting here beside me.

Told a mate not to bother watching it…he cut his head off with a blunt rusty hacksaw…wouldnt listen… :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t believe Rob and the others. Tramping really is like that.

Well, it is if you park up in an MSA…

it was so sad i ended up slitting my wrists and topping myself hence im now typing this on a ouija board from the other side.
if you dont believe me your welcome to ask my mate elvis,hes sitting here beside me.

Now I know you are telling porkies, cos I’ve just seen Elvis down the chip shop :unamused: