Anyone else sad taking pics on hols?

Just got back from Turkey and taken a few snaps, all rigids, only saw 1 artic in 2 weeks!!!

Seems like Ford are the dominant player, with OSOKAN(?) badges also.

Saw a new model Cargo that never sold over here but was too slow to snap it!!!

Not sure i fancy any big hills in a freighted 2421 though!!!

yeah i always do!! did you go to marmaris? im going there in a few weeks!! and i think thats a 2521 not 2421?

HA HA, u are correct, the big 2521 gives it away i suppose!!!

Mind u that Cargo is a 140bhp, i bet thats grossed well over 30 tonnes in its life with that crane on!!!

Yeah, we were just outside Marmaris but travelled all over the area, very hot there at the moment!

I’ve been to Turkey 2 or 3 times and always taken snaps of some of the trucks out there.

I was last there 2 years ago,and if you do a search of my posts,there are some others to view.


what a git… as a moderator im very tempted to remove this thread. :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

good pics mate!

jessicas dad:
what a git… as a moderator im very tempted to remove this thread. :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

At least they do more than 48mph Alex.


Anyone else fancy driving a FatiH 220?

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


A couple of photos I took of trucks when I was on holiday in the United Arab Emirates about three weeks ago.

last year taking some pics outside the docks in Singapore and this policeman came over to me and started asking me questions why i was taking pics of the trucks… showed him some that i had already taking… he went away sctraching his head … poor guy just couldnt understand why a guy wouold want to take pics of trucks … :question: :question: :question: pillock… :smiley:

going over to Singapore and Thailand next month… will try and get some pics if i get a spare mo… in Bangkok… :sunglasses: :sunglasses: like thats gonna happen… :laughing: :laughing:



Now those are what were commonly known as “Tonkas” When I was down that way 30 years ago.
The addition of a tag axle gave the driver,usually an o/d,no limit as to how much they would pile on!
This truck only has a “Standard” fuel tank on.The Tonkas that used to run to Iraq had a custom made fuel tank that used to just fit between the front wheel and drive axle wheel and be only 3" clearance off the road.