Anyone else go running for fitness?

I used to be a bit of a whippet, back in the day. I used to go absolutely everywhere on a bike, commuting up to 200 miles every week and then going out for a 100 mile ride at weekends, and sometimes further. Then I got lazy and old and fat and the bikes started gathering dust in the shed.
Recently, I realsied that I was going to have to do something about it, so I started running. It was very hard at first, but I’m now up to doing five or six mile runs. Today I did my first 10k, and was so chuffed to do it in under an hour that I thought I’d show off about it. :smiley:
Any other runners on here?

My running days are over, the old knees are goosed, used to run all over the
place at one time mainly due to the fact I was always late for work even on
nights, nearly missing a trunk one night, unheard of I know, took me some
time to live that down. Now I just do a leisurely two and a half mile walk
every morning since retiring 5yr ago.

Yep, try to run 2 or 3 times a week, also do a lot of walking and cycling. All good cardio vascular stuff.

I used to run up mountains when younger and not as clever as now, these days I just run away down the stairs from the Mrs :blush:

My missus is a runner as well … fortunately she’s not as fast as me. :laughing:

The last run i did was chasing a run away truck after forgetting to put the trailer brake on.
The shoppers in the high street had to run away too.The look on their faces was priceless.Mouthing where is the driver.

I would run but my knees are not up to it.I still do a bit of cycling though.

I run on a treadmill , I go most Fridays, Saturdays (if I’m not playing Rugby) then go again on Sundays , I do about 6-7 kms in 35-40 mins, but I am 52 in April …
I would like to go during the week when im away but Its the shower situation…
If I’m at home during the week I go everyday…
The best thing I ever did was to get a proper gait analysis and some proper trainers!!!

Baby Wipes will solve the shower problem in the week.
Or a water container with a tap.
A strip wash with a flannel.
Or if not too cold, a wash basin wash.Or in the summer tip water over the body.
Depending on time to have them.Some factories and depots have showers to use.

Baby Wipes will solve the shower problem in the week.
Or a water container with a tap.
A strip wash with a flannel.
Or if not too cold, a wash basin wash.Or in the summer tip water over the body.
Depending on time to have them.Some factories and depots have showers to use.

Or alternatively run in the rain! Remember “if it ain’t raining it ain’t training!” :laughing:

I used to take a bike with me when I was tramping. Showering involved standing bollock naked behind the open cab door in a quiet corner of the truck park, washing in a tupperware box of warm water with a sponge. (I used to park in some really quiet places.) This was fine until one evening in Pitlochry when I was interrupted by a curious labrador, who was followed closely by his owners. Not sure who was more embarrassed …

I had a shower from the lawn sprinkers at the main office of the Ford Motors plant in Azumbuja Portugal.
It was a hot summers day and i thought the place was empty as it was evening time.
I lathered up the soap suds and shampoo.The security spotted me.And promptly turned off the water supply,with eyes stinging i felt like a right plonker.
In the heat of Europe,you could shower in a garage as they had hose pipes to use.

I’ve gone and entered a 10k race in Leeds … :open_mouth:

I had a heart attack in July 2012 , whilst in hospital the Mrs brought me in the local rag (Plymouth Herald ) and its main feature story was an article about a 60 year old guy ( i am 52 ) who had suffered a heart attack a year or two previously and was now running Marathons every other week and was as fit as a fiddle. As i read it i reflected that i had difficulty walking , i smoked too much and was overweight and eating all the wrong food
I kept that article and decided i would get fit. Now 15 months later , i have lost nearly 3 stone and go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week. I am now running non stop for 5 miles on the treadmill and have entered the Plymouth Half Marathon in April 2014
I still have that newspaper article in my cab and often re-read it. I really enjoy the running i do and i find it great for thinking time and it certainly helps the love life too :unamused:

KRO :grimacing:

That’s an inspiring tale Tamarman. :sunglasses: