Anyone drive these?

just thought id post a pic of my new truck as i have just come over to the general haulage side and been given this one. not sure how long for as im told theyre getting some new ones soon and il likely get one of them but im happy with this for now :slight_smile:

Better than the Dafs they have on the Palletline trunk!

Doubt you’ll see him, but keep an eye out for Gordon on the late Palletline run - he’s a good un! Just tell him P33 said so!!

il look out for him and pass that on :slight_smile:

we had dafs at my last place but i do prefer this volvo, its fully loaded with all the kit, climate control, elec mirrors, heated seat etc etc

the FM is a lot better than the FL cab. i have had a 26 ton FM delivering steel out of edinburgh. its much better than the scannie that belongs to their sister company in coatbridge

Could do with a wash mate!

Look at those mucky wheels!

You ever visit Snetterton? There’s a wash in the yard!! :laughing:

Seriously - nice looking motor. :wink:

it is very dirty im afraid, only got given it on tuesday and it was dirty then,

im based at snetterton mate but A theres no soap in the wash and B i havent had a chance yet this week.
Il see if i cn get it sparkling in the next few days. im takin some stuff in on mon to give it a once over inside. :sunglasses:

Never had much to do with Foulgers, considering they are only down the road from me. But thier motors have got a lot better in the last few years. Only ever remember FL’s are few years back.

Never had much to do with Foulgers, considering they are only down the road from me. But thier motors have got a lot better in the last few years. Only ever remember FL’s are few years back.

I used to see the top drivers of Foulgers in Germany, and all they had were FL10"S, So id say lofty is doing very well with the motor hes got.,.

i saw a fougler motor as i was getn off boat at calais tother day.
1st on e ive seen over the water…

…is this the 'globetrotter cab? My old FL10 has seized up - boss was driving it at the time, gladly, and it had been sick for a while. I’m told we’re getting an FM Globetrotter is this what they look like?

I only do about forty miles a day so I’ll be a bit over-tooled - never mind eh? :stuck_out_tongue:

I drove a few as W+D setups. The engines are good, plenty of pull (on a 420 anyway), the cabs are nice, if a bit tight when driving. Only issues I had was the rear steer/liftaxle. Known problem with them, and the dash will light up warning of a failure. Apparently it’s nearly always a sensor problem, but do you stick 11 ton on the back if the dash is telling you that the rear steer is buggered ? Took me 6 hours at a Volvo garage, and had to delay loading for nearly a day, because of that ■■■■ sensor once. And after all that, they couldn’t find anything wrong with it !
Nice drive though.
Previous pics here

the FM is a lot better than the FL cab. i have had a 26 ton FM delivering steel out of edinburgh. its much better than the scannie that belongs to their sister company in coatbridge

Is your firm using blue volvo’s ? - cant remember the name ut i guy i knew used to work with steel deliveries - His name was Iain - pretty scruffy looking !
ring any bells?


Nice motor - One major tip for you, ALWAYS double check the blind spot those big mirrors create. I had a couple of buttock clenching moments when I first drove one. You can hide a car behind them quite easily. I used to rock back wards and forwards once approaching any junction or roundabout just to make sure.


the FM is a lot better than the FL cab. i have had a 26 ton FM delivering steel out of edinburgh. its much better than the scannie that belongs to their sister company in coatbridge

Is your firm using blue volvo’s ? - cant remember the name ut i guy i knew used to work with steel deliveries - His name was Iain - pretty scruffy looking !
ring any bells?


i couldnt tell you mate. iv only been in ASD a few times. they run out of south gyle ind est. the last time was before the truckfest so its been a while and i wont be back. i had a bit of a clash with the managers patronising attitude so i wont go back in there

ASD thats them- apparently the manager stitched my mate up and said he was nicking diesel- no proof but my mate left anyway as he thought he was a [zb]! :wink:

(Small language edit. Simon)

i was going for polite but you pretty much summed it up for me :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i have been running around locally in this for the past couple of months

that job ends at the end of january. they got a driver for £19,500. only one though. apparently, no one else would take their pay offer. they offered it to me first but i turned it down. a week later i went back and said add 5 grand and i will take it. they declined :laughing:

unfortunately, i have to invest in a digital tacho and go elsewhere to earn more than im getting on this job. lifes a â– â– â– â– â–  innit? :laughing: