Arrive tonight at 16.30 for a 22.30 booking,can’t tip me, no room,I feel like slitting my wrists,cheer me up and tell me your having a ■■■■ night/ evening,anything to cheer me up.
N.b rang t.oall they could say was a excellent opportunity to get loads of poa in
A bit of a fail this thread as anyone down the pub wouldn’t likely to be on TNUK now would they !!. I was in fact up the pub as mine’s up a hill and i’m afraid to say i wasn’t having a lousy time hence why now i’m led in bed trying to focus on my typing with a large coffee sat next to me.
Mrs and that came back off holiday early owing to illness. Up til 5 persuading MIL to go to hospital following explosion diarrhea and sickness. Only just got back from hospital. So on the whole would rather be waiting to tip
Hiya…you think its bad… the lottery numbers didn’t come up… feel sorry for you mate, nowt worse than
been messed about. years ago got a call to go and load about 2 hours away from home one sunday,
didn’t go out saturday got up early got to the loading place all locked up no one to be seen.
phoned the boss he said come home. all the next week he told everyone i’d been joyriding and taking
the U NO What. anyhow i’am still here thats all that matters.
Why turn up at 16.30 for a 22.30 booking
Why turn up at 16.30 for a 22.30 booking
Cos he had the load on the back and he’s not going anywhere else until it’s off? If you arrive early no harm in asking, sometimes you get lucky.
Welcome to The Legion of the Dammned, Billy No Mates Division working Saturday nights.
Every pub you pass is full of jolly drinkers and you’re thinking “What am I doing here?”
Explosive vomiting and dihoreeahohar?
Gimme the keys to the truck, I’ll work tonight
Forget poa put it on REST . Get a split rest in