Anybody know??

will we be paid more for driving faster
answer no
will i drive way over the limit on purpose
answer no


I will not condone breaking the law but I have one question - would you consider any that overtook you as being ‘unsafe’ :question:

i will condone anyone overtaking the pain in the ■■■ drivers who sit at around 40MPH. if these drivers are so short of cash that they need to drag out a few extra hours pay maybe they would help the rest of the owner drivers/operators and small companies if they pulled into a layby and parked up with there copy of knitting weekly or health and safty at work regs for a few hours. i for 1 cant stand the 40MPH brigade who are ‘doing the speed limit’ . speed limit or not they are a pain. its no wonder everyone plays hell about LGV drivers and trucks/lorries/wagons (call them what you will) holding up traffic.

Then when they hit a bit of dual carriageway they go up to 90km so no one can get passed. If they want to run at legal speeds (Fine by me) then do the legal speed ALL the time NOT just when it suits. Also some of them haven’t even the common courtesy to give you a flash when they can see the road clear ahead

I am talking about vehicles under 3.5 tonnes but it can, on the very odd occasion, be one larger.

Near to where I live there is a road with an innapropriate 30 limit - no buildings and only one side turn which has very good vision.
They were to build 3,000 houses but that was over 10 years ago and still has not happened.

I always keep to the 30 limit but I can understand that others do not want to and I have no problem with that as it is safer to go faster (50mph would be safe!!)
What I do object to is others driving unsafely.
I get them driving too close behind or rushing up to my rear before pulling out.
Most then cut in too early and there is a clear road ahead!!

What is wrong with holding a safe distance behind until an overtake is on and then pullout, foot down, pass, wait a bit and then pull back in :question:

I can say that over 95% of those that wish to go faster than the posted limit are also those that do not drive safely in that situation.

What do you find in a similar situation with LGVs :question:

I don’t give a crap about anyone else,s speed, but if I am driving in a limit that is either signed or applied by the type of vehicle I am driving, then I will stay below the limit.

(How many people have tried to claim the A556 towards Altrincham / Madchester is a dual carriageway when they get nicked for doing 50mph?)

As for flashing other vehicles, flashing them in and out may cause accidents because you are inviting someone into danger. Only the overtaking driver can decide if it is a safe move

I will not condone breaking the law but I have one question - would you consider any that overtook you as being ‘unsafe’ :question:

I think the legality is here in Question,as you could be safe with 150mph for some Time.
But,if you have an Accident you pay each Penny of the Damage,if it’s your Fall or not.

Could someone let me in on the big secret :question: :open_mouth: has the legal speed limit for an HGV gone up to warp 9 on a s/c n/s road :question: the particular road in question is the A17 between spalding and king lynn.

Drove down it to and from norwich at 40-42 mph on cc minding my own business but on the return leg i lost count the amount of artics overtaking me :exclamation: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Do they know something i dont :question: :question: :question: has the national speed limit for trucks on any road gone up to warp 9 :question: and i have just missed the memo at work and the celebratrory topic on TNUK :question:

if you’ve aware of this change of the law could you let me know and i’ll more than happily drive at 50 :exclamation: :grimacing: :grimacing:


hi mate are you sure you were doing 40-42 mph and not 40-42kmh :stuck_out_tongue: it would explain why there all seam to be doing warp 9 :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :slight_smile:

will we be paid more for driving faster
answer no
will i drive way over the limit on purpose
answer no

Well,i get paid to do the Work as the Company likes them done.

Well,i get paid to do the Work as the Company likes them done.

Company - it must be there in one hour
Actual time to to be there legally - one hour and 5 mins

Do you speed :question:

SHUT UP!!! :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

if you dont like being stuck behind someone doing the legal speeds then why don’t YOU pull over for a second , have a ■■■ or a coffee and chill.

Because the onus is on you to allow faster vehicles to pass.Rule 169,Highway Code.I know the H/C isn’t law,but you can be prosecuted for failing to follow it’s advice.
It’s a situation that occurs regularly on the A9.Truck sitting at 40mph,with a major queue following in its wake,and the driver carries on regardless.This is when it becomes dangerous because car drivers especially will make very risky overtaking manouvers.This normally involves “leap-frogging” the queue one or two vehicles at a time in the face of oncoming traffic and then forcing their way into a space that may not really be there.This causes every one behind to slow down.Depending on the length of the queue (I’ve often seen a line of traffic a mile long behind “Mr.Perfect”),vehicles at the rear of the queue could easily be doing 30mph or less.
Shopping trollies do tend to allow passing,although you do,very occasionally, get the odd one that doesn’t bother.But there are certain trucks,when you see them in the distance ahead,your heart sinks because you know that you are going to get stuck behind them.It’s well documented in similar threads to this that the police on the A9 do tolerate HGVs doing 50mph,so long as it is safe to do so.
There are signs on the A9 stating “Frustration causes accidents,please allow overtaking” and “Please allow faster vehicles to overtake safely”.Can’t say that I’ve seen these anywhere else.But they do put the onus on the “slow” driver to facilitate overtaking,not the faster driver to pull in and allow “Mr.Perfect” to carry on his merry way.
If we were to follow your thinking,Shade,we might as well make the speed limit on a s/c 40mph for every class of vehicle.

Then when they hit a bit of dual carriageway they go up to 90km so no one can get passed. If they want to run at legal speeds (Fine by me) then do the legal speed ALL the time NOT just when it suits. Also some of them haven’t even the common courtesy to give you a flash when they can see the road clear ahead

Fully agree.Happens on the A9 all the time.

Wheel Nut:
(How many people have tried to claim the A556 towards Altrincham / Madchester is a dual carriageway when they get nicked for doing 50mph?)

Should some-one who can’t tell the difference between single and dual carriageway really be driving? They are obviously using this as a very feeble excuse to try and get off a speeding charge.

Wheel Nut:
As for flashing other vehicles, flashing them in and out may cause accidents because you are inviting someone into danger. Only the overtaking driver can decide if it is a safe move

Personally,I will only flash them past if I am 100% sure it is safe for them to overtake.If there is any vehicle in sight approaching,no matter what distance away,then I will not flash the vehicle behind past.This is because some get on with it and pass,others seem to wait 10secs,pull out,sit there for another 10secs then crawl past doing 3mph more than me :unamused:

Because the onus is on you to allow faster vehicles to pass.Rule 169,Highway Code.I know the H/C isn’t law,but you can be prosecuted for failing to follow it’s advice.

I would like to point out that no-one can find one instance of where this has happened.

I agree about car drivers getting impatient when they can legally go faster but what about another truck who has the same legal limit - would the HC advice apply :question:

Think rather than slating someone for sticking to the law, there should be a stronger voice for the law to be changed to 50, all know 40mph is pretty grim, and the Gov are supposed to be bringing the speed down to 50 on some roads that are at the moment classed as 60…

If we all could do 50, then in theory there wont be any arguements, well only from those who will then want to do 56 everywhere… :confused:

:confused: We are in the 21st century now, cars and trucks are safer now than they have ever been, yet we are going backwards in terms of journey times…

I agree - if the Govt can make time to look at roads and change the speed limits for cars then why not look at which roads can be upgraded to 50 for trucks

Legislation and a few new signs - truck with 50 on it :bulb: - job done


I will not condone breaking the law but I have one question - would you consider any that overtook you as being ‘unsafe’ :question:

i will condone anyone overtaking the pain in the ■■■ drivers who sit at around 40MPH. if these drivers are so short of cash that they need to drag out a few extra hours pay maybe they would help the rest of the owner drivers/operators and small companies if they pulled into a layby and parked up with there copy of knitting weekly or health and safty at work regs for a few hours. i for 1 cant stand the 40MPH brigade who are ‘doing the speed limit’ . speed limit or not they are a pain. its no wonder everyone plays hell about LGV drivers and trucks/lorries/wagons (call them what you will) holding up traffic.

I’m sorry but I’m not rich enough to be able to not have to work, for which I need my driving license. Not to mention I’d rather not keep appearing in magistrates courts for doing 12-16mph over the speed limit for my vehicle so you’ll just have to put up with being stuck behind me!!!


Because the onus is on you to allow faster vehicles to pass.Rule 169,Highway Code.I know the H/C isn’t law,but you can be prosecuted for failing to follow it’s advice.

I would like to point out that no-one can find one instance of where this has happened.

I know of a couple of cases up here in the Highlands where drivers(not HGV) have been prosecuted.One tractor driver,IIRC,was fined a three figure sum for careless driving a few years ago for holding up a line of 30-odd vehicles.This was on a road where there were only 2 lay-bys to pull into on a 7 mile stretch,one about a mile after joining it and one about a mile before the end.Plod who was delayed said he could have pulled into farm/field entrances to allow traffic to pass.
When I was on the buses,we had a double-decker for school runs which would only do 38mph flat out :open_mouth: (ex-city bus where top speed wasn’t an issue,but it didn’t half accelerate quick :smiley: ).Driver was pulled one day and told by plod that if he was seen again holding up traffic,he would be charged with causing an obstruction.

I agree about car drivers getting impatient when they can legally go faster but what about another truck who has the same legal limit - would the HC advice apply :question:

Well,IMO,it says allow faster vehicles to overtake,it doesn’t differentiate between those who can legally travel faster and those who are speeding,so HC advice does apply.If not,what happens is a line of lorries builds up at the front of the queue,and they are even more difficult to pass than a single one.
I don’t have a problem at all with drivers who stick to the speed limit.If I can get past them safely,I will.If I can’t,then I am quite happy to stay behind until I can pass safely,or they allow me to pass.But there does tend to be a breed of driver who thinks “I,m doing the maximum allowed for my vehicle,tough on the rest of you”.Surely,this type of driver is actually increasing the risk of being involved in a collision,because other drivers do take greater risks trying to get past them? It takes no time at all to pull in and allow a queue of vehicles to pass.

Last friday night myself and one of Highlanders colleagues were travelling North on the A9 at a reasonable speed about 1 mile north of Dunkeld. When in front of us (300 mtr) a Tesco truck pulled out a layby without looking (by what we saw). He had a clear view of the road for over 1/2 a mile behind him and continued to dawdle along at 38 / 40 mph until, luckily enough the next layby.
Its not just trucks who do this on that road I followed a q of traffic the other sunday 2 motors a transit and a jeep pulling inflatable boats crawling down the A9 @ 40MPH from Aviemore to Drumochter with 4 mile q behind oblivious to the traffic and disruption they were causing.


I will not condone breaking the law but I have one question - would you consider any that overtook you as being ‘unsafe’ :question:

i will condone anyone overtaking the pain in the ■■■ drivers who sit at around 40MPH. if these drivers are so short of cash that they need to drag out a few extra hours pay maybe they would help the rest of the owner drivers/operators and small companies if they pulled into a layby and parked up with there copy of knitting weekly or health and safty at work regs for a few hours. i for 1 cant stand the 40MPH brigade who are ‘doing the speed limit’ . speed limit or not they are a pain. its no wonder everyone plays hell about LGV drivers and trucks/lorries/wagons (call them what you will) holding up traffic.

Will you pay their fines and accept the points they will get onto your licence? - I think not :unamused:

who is THEIR? i get caught i pay, you get caught you pay.

who is THEIR? i get caught i pay, you get caught you pay.

Sorry - I must have got wrong end of the stick - I thought you wanted others to go over the limit because you wanted to go faster - sorry mate I must have misread your post :blush: :blush: :exclamation:

who is THEIR? i get caught i pay, you get caught you pay.
If hes not speeding he aint gonna caught…is he. :unamused:

Its the ones who speed get caught…eventually.

I think some people take the old saying “You can never do enough for a good Boss” a bit to far… :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

drove down same road, same speed again today and it seemed that for a change i wasnt the only one ‘holding up’ :blush: :blush: the other truckers who i assume had life or death, dont get there on time truck explodes loads onboard :exclamation: :confused: . As i could see same trucks that passed me overtaking other ‘slower moving’ trucks like me further up the road :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: