Anybody driven over to Jersey?

Any do’s and don’ts?,as i start a new job driving there in two weeks time :confused:

All freight from the UK goes unaccompanied, as British trucks are too wide for Jersey’s roads. The local trucks have about a foot chopped out of the middle- cut 'n shut- to bring them within the width limit.

Never been there myself, but wouldn’t mind visiting.


Surely that bit of water, the English Channel ( :question: ), would make driving over to there slightly problematic :question: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: .
(Thats what you put in the title mate ) :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

doesnt that company who Kiwi drives for do Jersey & Guernsey?

Paul Mathews :question:

If you drive to Sark and have an accident, dont expect any sympathy, there is only one car on the Island :stuck_out_tongue:

i’ve been to jersey, it’s about 4 miles square and the roads are very narrow with barely enough straights to reach 60 mph in a car, if your driving a truck to jersey then you won’t be going very far once you get there, most trucks only stay in the port of st helier, tip everything off then it gets loaded to a jersey truck or vans.