Any robert burns from broxburn drivers?

thinking about applying for a job there, wondering if theres any drivers on here can give me a wee idea of what the jobs like.


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Hi mate, can’t seem to get message


A Scouser and a Jock are parked in a layby for an overnighter. Passing ships in the night.
Scouser is reading some “Robert Burns Poetry” at the wheel, his freezer rattling away.
Jock walks up, climbs upto his window, having just lit another ■■■…

“Der ye laik Burns den laddie?” he enquires…
“Ay? AY? Yep! I lav burns me!”

With that, Jock stubs his ■■■ out on Scouser’s arm.

Scouser is reading

It was at this point I knew you were lieing :smiley:

Anyone worked here or recently worked here have any upto date info ? Message me instead of you don’t want to post it up here. Thanks in advance