Any of this apply to your work place?

saw these at a couple of customer premises was delivering to few weeks back…

I’m sure the TM does notice but just never actually says anything to me when he asks if i mind dropping in on the way home to pick up a pallet thats only ‘a few miles’ out of my way, try 25 miles :exclamation: :smiling_imp: :angry:

most of these sadly in this picture apply at my work place every person for themselves and all that :exclamation: :smiling_imp: :cry:

groovy greg:
…he asks if i mind dropping in on the way home to pick up a pallet thats only ‘a few miles’ out of my way, try 25 miles :exclamation: :smiling_imp: :angry:

Awwww, twenty-five whole miles? That is such a long way. How unreasonable of him. I bet he gives you jobs that require you to peel your arse off the driver’s seat more than twice a shift too? What a terrible human being he must be. :unamused: