Any news is good news? kinda?

Ok guys,

So some of you may remember my thread about finding other ways to fund for my HGV course. I asked in at the Job Centre today and they said they WILL fund my course, but ONLY if I find an employer whom is willing to write to the Job Centre and tell them that they will take me on.

So, the task now is finding an employer who will do this (i understand it’s gonna be hella slim).


One chance - find a haulier who is going down the tubes and get them to lie for you :bulb: :unamused: :blush:

Seriously, you might find a haulier who is interested in taking on someone who they wish to train their way post test so ask around - its not as if you are asking them to pay out for your LGV training and tests

Put your proposal down on paper with your contact details and personally hand it to any TM that seems interested

I’m certain that others will have more ideas and probably better ones :exclamation:

Well first I will need to discuss with the Job Centre what their plans are should an employer say they no longer need me once they put me through my test, if I’m left with the bill I simply wouldn’t be able to pay it.

I’ve sent a lot of emails tonight and I’m not keen on stopping yet so even more to be sent :wink:

Driver Hire done the trick for me previously mate , ask for a letter of intent and your training provider will probly be lagta at euro central :wink:

Sam Millar:
Well first I will need to discuss with the Job Centre what their plans are should an employer say they no longer need me once they put me through my test, if I’m left with the bill I simply wouldn’t be able to pay it.

I’ve sent a lot of emails tonight and I’m not keen on stopping yet so even more to be sent :wink:

You simply go back to signing on mate , i was on the course this time last year and three days in i was kindly informed by my doctor that i had the dreaded diabetes and as it was un controlled they wouldnt let me complete my training hence why i am having to complete it myself over the next two months.