The reason I ask is, do you play it in the truck. And what size amp do you use. Thanks.
I’m ■■■■ hot on my air guitar, I always get told to be quiet from the driver next to me in the truckstop
Tha a warm un Steve
Have got a uke that I have took out with me, also looking at acoustic travel guitars…
That’s all we need.
Tryin to get some sleep, and then this happens.
I reckon o practice amp through a decent inverter would do.
Be nice though, park up with the fridges.
Grab a 3.5mm stereo to 6.5mm mono adapter from Maplins or the like and plug into the cab stereo.
Just got a Orange Micro crush CR3 practice amp of Amazon for about £36 brilliant tiny amp with big sound, built in guitar tuner powered by a 9 volt battery. Got it as a birthday present to use with a Korg keyboard. Sound quality is very good.
Not electric, but I’ve recently bought a Washburn Rover which is quite a nice guitar, comes with a very good case too.
I started learning bass a few years ago, but haven’t picked it up for s long time. Maybe time to dust it off and stick it in the lorry.
On a seperate note, my 15 year old was hankering after a Gibson ES335 a couple of years ago - but was put off a bit by the price! My Dad spent nearly 9 months making him a scale replica - his face when he got it on his birthday was brilliant. If anybody’s interested, I’ll put a picture of it on here when I get back home.
I bought an electric guitar a few years determined to learn how to play it, I gave up in the as I struggle to get a note out of a triangle.
However my father in law has a Roland micro cube amp which runs on AA batteries and you can plug your headphones in too.
Orange micro crush 3w,better than small plastic Marshall’s cos its wood frame,Hofner ‘shorty’ geetar!described as ‘baseball bat’ with humbucker,full scale gibson neck,reasonable sound n playability,got one off amazon bout 100 quid?
Thanks guys, I’ve just got a fender G E Smith signature telecaster and since I am back
Tramping I wanted to make sure I can use it it the truck.
You don’t need an amp for your elec. guitar while playing in-cab. You can hear it adequately enough without one, and you won’t upset your neighbour while parked up. HTH
I take any of the following…acoustic guitar, banjo or uke.
I borrow my lad’s JCM800 and twin stack Marshall. It tends to flatten the batteries though
I have 2 bass guitars in the boot of the car, I bring them sometimes and play accoustically. I don’t need to plug in to practice and I’m actually selling them if anyone is interested.
It probably sounds better than the prat murdering the bagpipes that parked in front of me one night
It probably sounds better than the prat murdering the bagpipes that parked in front of me one night
I love the bagpipes. They are best heard from a distance - Scotland to Wales is about right!
Get a Roland MicroCube, as you can play through headphones, and it runs on batteries. That is, if you have to plug it in.