Any drivers with heart surgery

Anyone had a heart stent carried out before or even a bypass operation . I had one stent fitted 3 yrs ago and had to have a special cardiology medical carried out at a large hospital .

I had to go on the treadmill for 12 minutes with no ecg changes and I got the ok to renew my licence . I know have to do the same now as I have to re apply for my hgv licence every three years .

Anyone actually had a bypass and still allowed to drive ?

Just for the record I have an inherited condition causing the heart problem and am physically fit , not overweight and eat healthy food and exercise regularly and am 50yrs old.

I had 2 stents fitted about 8/9 years ago (am 64 this year) have to take a medical every 2 years, it has not been a problem really and expect to get my licence back one more time.

A driver at our place had a single bypass and returned driving after 6 months off.

My brother in law had stents fitted and was doing the treadmill thing when he had another attack,luckily he was in the right place and is alive to this day. His C1+e however is dead.

I had a stent fitted 4 years ago, never been a problem, I just have to go for a tread mill test every 3 years.

i met a driver once who carried out heart surgery on his mate in the SAS, this was just after they overthrew Idi Amin.

i met a driver once who carried out heart surgery on his mate in the SAS, this was just after they overthrew Idi Amin.

I read this post before looking at who had written it, thought it would have been one of Toby’s :wink:

Had a Quintential (5) Bypass in 2000 and I have Diabetis 2, renewed my licence in October 2010 can’t scare me :wink:

1st two stents in 2000 then treadmill every 3 years, heart attack july 2011 ( blood clot)two stents put inside the original stents, then back in hospital in sept for yet another 2 stents in a different place. on treadmill all ok licence back by christmas eve, still three year renewall so thats ok just need a new job now. rest of males on fathers side gone by 53. luckily still going at 57.

well hya ma friend i am 50 as well. had 2 stents fitted 14 mths ago also had a heart attack during the op .mine is also hereditary tablets i take now make me realy tired at times so drive for an agency on a part time basis .just glad to still have my hgv i also need a medical every 3yrs .wish you well pal hope you drive for many years to come look after yourself goodluck

Heart attack in June 2011, double bypass, was only C1 driver but had applied for C provisional 2 days before heart attack. To date, I’m still waiting for a decision on my licence, nearly 9 months later, can’t seem to get my application passed the medical officer without them wanting some more info (I did question why they need to write to Dr/consultant 4 times so far when they could have got all the info in one go, in one letter).

Cheers fellas , more common than I expected , good luck to all in the same boat .

Heres the story of my latest saga :frowning:
If you have a blip and its something simple then your looking at several months, I failed the ECG/Treadmill last March, LGV revoked in May. Had more work done (stents) then after an indifferent ECG/Treadmill test in September they elected to send me for a Myocardial Perfusion Scan in early Nov, still waiting for a DVLA Doctor to review the results and decide if I’m fit to resume LGV :confused: [zb]s.
At least with the ECG/Treadmill the Doc can tell you there and then on the day if everything is hunky dory or not, with the Myo Scan theres no indication until the Doc at Swansea reading the results gives an opinion :frowning:

i had 7 stents fitted at the age of 62 , back in a year later for further treatment . i then returned my hgv to swansea as i isn’t want it any more . 8 years later , happy as larry and still enjoying life .