Any Decent Agencies?

Got my C+E licence last month but despite applying for full time jobs around Glasgow I haven’t had any offers :frowning: Are there any half-decent agencies I can go to build up experience and still pay the bills?

It seems that experience is key and once I have it I will be set, but as I don’t have any my options seem limited. I know everyone pretty much views agencies as satanic but I don’t see another way if I’m not getting a start.

R T Keedwell take new starts.

‘‘Decent Agencies’’ is a contradiction in terms…, a bit like Wigan Athletic and Police intelligence.
None of the ■■■■ s are ‘decent’ they just specialise in creaming off and ■■■■ ing drivers about.
Try Stobarts they are always wanting drivers, but there’s a reason for that also.
I aint much help to you mate I know :smiley: …but good luck anyway. :wink:

sign with 3 or 4…take what you get as your a newbie.
as the work picks up,then start to be selective about what shifts suit you and what ones dont.
expect to get crap from day 1 with late night and early morning starts that nobody else will take.
after your toe is in the door,then you can decline stupid and hellish shifts and work.
you will be lest dropping in to places and asking for a job.
nobody really cares about emails and phone calls unless your lucky.
if your working on agency then you will be out and about to ask when your delivering to someone and have a better chance of getting a real job.
years ago i was getting the bums rush from a company that i was asking for a job where they drove a ford cargo artic with a short trailer…at the point they saw i had appeared in a full size wagon and drag for the interview then their opinion of me changed somewhat.
ask face to face would be the best chance,and all your agencies are much of a muchness at the end of the day,just lying users where your as good as your last shift or your ability to be available for the next one.

Thanks for the advice guys - I’ll sign up for 3/4, expect the shaft, and use it to hustle a proper job. Nothing in the whole of Scotland for Stobarts unfortunately. Maybe a blessing in disguise.

Ten Live, Coatbridge. Been one of the best ones I’ve worked for ,for a long time.

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Got my C+E licence last month but despite applying for full time jobs around Glasgow I haven’t had any offers :frowning: Are there any half-decent agencies I can go to build up experience and still pay the bills?

It seems that experience is key

No it’s just that the industry is infested which too much crap work.Which not many drivers want and the E word is just used as a euphemism for and a diversion from, the fact that what decent work is out there is allocated on a selectively applied arbitrary elitist basis.

So there you have it loads of class 1 drivers lumbered with the same class 2 ( 3 ) work they started out on,which conveniently needs liitle or no ‘experience’,while employers shout about a driver shortage.They couldn’t make it up.

On that note try night trunk operations.Which is the least worst option in providing some reasonable runs on quiet roads but shifts which the self appointed elites don’t want/won’t take ).Don’t be surprised though if/when you find that 15 years experience of that still counts for nothing if/when trying to look for something better.

Manpower have Royal Mail contracts ,well paid easy work (if you can get in the door). As said register with all of the local agencies then sift through the zb.

the nodding donkey:
R T Keedwell take new starts.

Use them to get your 2 years and then go find something better.


the nodding donkey:
R T Keedwell take new starts.

Use them to get your 2 years and then go find something better.

Here we go again, the man in the ivory tower dispenses forth his wisdom.

Far be it for me to sing Keedwell’s praises, but but the dismissing roundly out of hand of a whole company, just because “you” dont like the work or because its easier to jump on a bandwagon, is necoming tiresome.

If Stobart, Keedwell, Downton, etc etc, were really that bad, why would they have so many long term drivers, who are happy with their lot?
Horses for courses, and one man’s poison and all that.

Personnaly, i cant think of anything worse than (night) trunking. That doesnt mean that its a bad job, or a bad company.