Any advise would be great

i have been in the game for 10 years doing low loader to car transporters and at the moment doing recovery!!! i am look at starting up as a o/d… i know half of you will think i have gone mad( you have to be anyway to do our job) but i have been putting it off for years its never been the right time but hey when is!!! so basically i am asking for any advise about the work out there at the mo!!!
by the way already looked at the price of starting up and yes i know blood,sweat and tears are needed :laughing:

thank you

like you say, probably not the best time. id wait till beginning of april or may as hopefully work will start to pick up after the dead months jan,feb and march. as for advice, depends what you want to know? let me know and i will tell you what i know/think, which does not make it right, but hopefully will give you a different view.

No Comment, due to my internet Trucknet stalker making further remarks about me trying to sell you a DAF and a skelly trailer :unamused:

i was thinking about starting on containers but was wondering what would be class as a average rate for this and any surggestions on who what be good to get in touch with!?!?!? i respect who might not what to be to forward with this info but would be thankful and i am ready for the abuse :smiley: :open_mouth: :unamused:

and would like some info on norfolkline if thats not asking to much… :laughing: :laughing: