Any advice please?

Hi everyone,
I’ve recently passed my class2 and have been offered work as night multi-drop driver ,witch I don’t really fancy working 1 am til 12 noon.
However some agencies also offering temporary jobs with no obligation to continue the work in January.
If you were I am what would you do?
thanks for reading.

Hi everyone,
I’ve recently passed my class2 and have been offered work as night multi-drop driver ,witch I don’t really fancy working 1 am til 12 noon.
However some agencies also offering temporary jobs with no obligation to continue the work in January.
If you were I am what would you do?
thanks for reading.

If you can do those hours then go for it as its a step on the ladder and shows willing to do what many experienced drivers may not choose to do because they have other options


Hi everyone,
I’ve recently passed my class2 and have been offered work as night multi-drop driver ,witch I don’t really fancy working 1 am til 12 noon.
However some agencies also offering temporary jobs with no obligation to continue the work in January.
If you were I am what would you do?
thanks for reading.

If you can do those hours then go for it as its a step on the ladder and shows willing to do what many experienced drivers may not choose to do because they have other options


F*#k multi dropping 18 tonners ! Find some bulk deliveries ! I believe you should be paid for your licence & for labouring. Some will pay & some will supply a boy & those that don’t F*#K of !

Hi Cyrus, im in the same place as yourself and as much as i agree with johh.c.1747 i think with the money we lay out for licenses we should be paid a decent wage, but in the real world we are starting at the bottom of an inexperiance ladder,… i intend too as ROG says use the agencies to get my foot in the door, then prove my worth whilst gaining experiance and also, get a feel for which type of transport work i feel would best suit me, as there is a large choice out there which will need certificating(ADR and so on) and that means investment of time and cash. ! its a long way too the big money !!! :smiley: good luck and enjoy

Yes I agree with you. Looks like it’s not going to be a easy ride.
I’ll have to take any job so I have something to put on my CV.
It’s good to know I’m not the only one doing this.