any 1 know

anything thing about the supposed new outer harbour in imingham i cant think where i read that but just askin if u know great yarmouth are also supposed to be getting 1 in about 10000 years any 1 got any news on this ohh btw this is truck related cause if we get 1 in yarmouth i might get a job what pays over £5.50 ph i doubt it tho :cry:

Details on the new outer harbour in Immingham are here.

Also a little information on a proposal for a new outer harbour in Yarmouth, including a ferry link to Holland here Scroll down the page because it is about the third report from the top.

top bannana thx for quick reply :wink:

One of the biggest objectors to the Outer Harbour at Gt Yarmouth is ABP, They say it would be unfair competition because some there is some Goverment money earmarked for the project and they have ports at Kings Lynn, Lowestoft and Ipswich. Although it could have more to do with the expansion of Immingham as both ports would be competing for the same type of traffic.

Or it could be more to do with the fact that there isnt a decent road network. There is a motorway link to Immingham and Hull with a bridge between.

There are enough East Coast ferry services as it is, We already have Rosyth, Newcastle, Hull. Immingham, Killingholme, Grimsby and Harwich. Purfleet Dartford and the others darn sarf.

With the feeder services to Zeebrugge and Rotterdam from Felixstowe, Boston and Goole, do we really need any more?

Don’t forget Teesport!!! :unamused: :cry: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

ABD have commercial reasons for not wanting to see a Gt Yarmouth outer harbour and the theory is that if the harbour gets a go ahead then the route out of Gt Yarmouth becomes a Euro route and will be entitled to European funds for upgrading the road and rail links. At the moment there is only about 25 miles that is single carriageway between Yarmouth and the A14. Some of this is already in the process of upgrading.
As for there being enough Harbour space, both Felixstowe and Harwich have problems with expansion because of environmentally sensitive areas adjacent to the ports. Gt Yarmouth is closer to the Dutch ports than either harbour and the operators of the high speed ferry from Harwich are interested because they have to slow down the boat when it enters the estuary because of the wash and the can operate more trips per day from Yarmouth than Harwich. I’ve also heard that Felixstowe would like less ro-ro trailers and more containers, because you can get more containers in the space taken by one trailer.
The only other groups I can see objecting to the harbour are the “we’ve come to Norfolk to die and don’t want other people need to earn a living disturbing us” and certain employers who don’t want anything that might mean that they have to put wages up. I’ve been following this story a lot because I think it would improve employment prospects of many people in the area. At the moment Gt Yarmouth and the surrounding area has unemployment and low pay levels that match the worst parts of the country.

top bannana thx for quick reply :wink:

Sorry it took as long as three minutes, I’ll try harder next time. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :sunglasses: