Another step towards driverless vehicles … roads.html

Laws to be put in place to determine blame in the event of an accident.

I’ve always thought that the legal aspect of collisions was the biggest stumbling block for driverless technology. Well, that and what happens when the sensors get covered by snow!

However, even the people developing these things admit we’re decades away from truly driverless vehicles.

Captain Caveman 76:
I’ve always thought that the legal aspect of collisions was the biggest stumbling block for driverless technology.

I don’t know mate, when it involves a cyclist, it’s never the cyclists fault! :wink:

Well I guess if driverless vehicles can cope with our roads, it’s probably going to cope in most other places.
But there is going to be a world of headaches along the way, and I just hope no person pays the ultimate price for it… :cry:

It’ll never happen in Britain roads far to congested :laughing:

“Announcement by Transport Minister Chris Grayling”

Ye Gods what else can this idiot ■■■■ up, it’s had a go at just about everything else. Is there no end to its stupidity? obviously that’s why it has been dumped in the Transport ministry, traditionally it always has been the home for the bewildered in Government.

tango boy:
It’ll never happen in Britain roads far to congested :laughing:

i imagine the horse and cart drivers said a similar thing.

Captain Caveman 76:
Driverless cars could soon hit British roads | Daily Mail Online

Laws to be put in place to determine blame in the event of an accident.

I’ve always thought that the legal aspect of collisions was the biggest stumbling block for driverless technology. Well, that and what happens when the sensors get covered by snow!

However, even the people developing these things admit we’re decades away from truly driverless vehicles.

Decades away? I have heard the exact opposite from one of the horses mouths.
Who told you they were decades away?

Tango Boy hate to disappoint you but that was one of the first considerations.
That will come as more of a shock to the general public than driverless vehicles I am sure.

Big changes all round in the near future.

Of course it’s decades away.

Britain’s roads are a congested pile of turd, open your eyes Albie. I suppose you reckon the USA didn’t land on the moon and that Elvis is still alive too :wink:

Uncle Albie:

Captain Caveman 76:
Driverless cars could soon hit British roads | Daily Mail Online

Laws to be put in place to determine blame in the event of an accident.

I’ve always thought that the legal aspect of collisions was the biggest stumbling block for driverless technology. Well, that and what happens when the sensors get covered by snow!

However, even the people developing these things admit we’re decades away from truly driverless vehicles.

Decades away? I have heard the exact opposite from one of the horses mouths.
Who told you they were decades away?

Tango Boy hate to disappoint you but that was one of the first considerations.
That will come as more of a shock to the general public than driverless vehicles I am sure.

Big changes all round in the near future.

Uncal Albie you need to put your head back on the right way it’ll never happen here :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Of course it’s decades away.

Britain’s roads are a congested pile of turd, open your eyes Albie. I suppose you reckon the USA didn’t land on the moon and that Elvis is still alive too :wink:

No they didn’t and Elvis works down my local chippy [emoji6]

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I can’t see there being much demand in th Uk. The only only thing they can be used for would be motorway miles and this country isn’t big enough to warrant it.

Surely the cost will be prohibitive, the trucks will have little residual value, and the public won’t want it.

We already have a rail network that is no good for freight. I can’t see how running trucks on the same principles will be attractive.

Uncle Albie:

Captain Caveman 76:
Driverless cars could soon hit British roads | Daily Mail Online

Laws to be put in place to determine blame in the event of an accident.

I’ve always thought that the legal aspect of collisions was the biggest stumbling block for driverless technology. Well, that and what happens when the sensors get covered by snow!

However, even the people developing these things admit we’re decades away from truly driverless vehicles.

Decades away? I have heard the exact opposite from one of the horses mouths.
Who told you they were decades away?

Its the one comfort I have every time the Lane Departure Warning (ldw) or Advanced Emergency Braking (aeb) light up on my truck, for no reasonable cause, if this is the Tech that will bring on driverless vehicles, well I aint going to be worried by it, its decades away. The LDW will go of if a white van passes me on a sunny, just as a for instance. The AEB has light up and braked the truck, when a van stopped in a right lane on a slight left bend, where my roadway was completely clear. For those that know Leicester area, heading west on the A47 Hinckley road, there is a set of lights for a right turn onto Kirby lane, van stops to turn right I have plenty of room to pass on the left, AEB see’s van as obstruction and all the bells whistles and brakes set off :unamused: , and this is not unusual. I’ve got the understanding of what the AEB see’s as an obstruction and why, so I am ready now to override it, but if it was driverless it would come to a halt and dare not move it self :unamused:

It will take one serious accident and the idea will be wiped away imidiately.

For every step we take towards driverless vehicles, they (driverless vehicles) take a step away from us. Despite Uncle Albies fervent wishes we will only ever see them in this country in completely sterile and controlled environments, and you can take hat to the bank. (As someone once said).

It will take one serious accident and the idea will be wiped away imidiately.

Of all the arguments against driverless vehicles, this one I find most bewildering. We are already accepting that drivers kill and injure thousands of people on our roads every year, I do not see how it’s much different.

I despise the idea of driverless vehicles, automated factories and so on… and I despise the people who are working to implement them. Technology should help humans do things, not replace us from doing them.

It will take one serious accident and the idea will be wiped away imidiately.

There already was on. A Tesla car in the States was involved in a accident where the cars automated driver system failed to register a plain white truck against a brightly lit background and collided with said truck. The driver was killed.

Driver was not paying attention and failed to stop the car.

Bring it on, I’ll just sit there making a coffee while it smoothly delivers seed to 9 farms. Will a robot shovel grit on the hill I can’t get up too? Could’ve done with it last week on this hill. :unamused:

Dropped pin near Hartley Ln, Cheltenham GL53


It will take one serious accident and the idea will be wiped away imidiately.

Of all the arguments against driverless vehicles, this one I find most bewildering. We are already accepting that drivers kill and injure thousands of people on our roads every year, I do not see how it’s much different.

I despise the idea of driverless vehicles, automated factories and so on… and I despise the people who are working to implement them. Technology should help humans do things, not replace us from doing them.

The thing with humans is some of them are incompetent, no a lot of them are incompetent.Some do not learn from their mistakes.
They are arrogant ignorant and dumb and that is why technology will do a 100% better job everytime.
Love it or hate it it’s gonna happen and sooner than a lot think.
Apologise if I am depressing anyone.

Uncle Albie:


It will take one serious accident and the idea will be wiped away imidiately.

Of all the arguments against driverless vehicles, this one I find most bewildering. We are already accepting that drivers kill and injure thousands of people on our roads every year, I do not see how it’s much different.

I despise the idea of driverless vehicles, automated factories and so on… and I despise the people who are working to implement them. Technology should help humans do things, not replace us from doing them.

The thing with humans is some of them are incompetent, no a lot of them are incompetent.Some do not learn from their mistakes.
They are arrogant ignorant and dumb and that is why technology will do a 100% better job everytime.
Love it or hate it it’s gonna happen and sooner than a lot think.
Apologise if I am depressing anyone.

It won’t happen in this country in our lifetimes. You might get away with it between two RDC’s on the M6 between Lancaster and Penrith, but that’s about it.


Uncle Albie:


It will take one serious accident and the idea will be wiped away imidiately.

Of all the arguments against driverless vehicles, this one I find most bewildering. We are already accepting that drivers kill and injure thousands of people on our roads every year, I do not see how it’s much different.

I despise the idea of driverless vehicles, automated factories and so on… and I despise the people who are working to implement them. Technology should help humans do things, not replace us from doing them.

The thing with humans is some of them are incompetent, no a lot of them are incompetent.Some do not learn from their mistakes.
They are arrogant ignorant and dumb and that is why technology will do a 100% better job everytime.
Love it or hate it it’s gonna happen and sooner than a lot think.
Apologise if I am depressing anyone.

It won’t happen in this country in our lifetimes. You might get away with it between two RDC’s on the M6 between Lancaster and Penrith, but that’s about it.

Ha Ha I would love to hear what you have to say in 10 years time pal.Do a bit of research and you may change your mind.

It will not work .far too many idiots on the roads as it way will a driverless truck ever work here.more bs drama .