Another newbie on the scene!

Hi all, license and medical all sorted and sent off with my head stuck looking through the theory book :laughing: the ball is rolling can’t wait to get started!
Just thought I would introduce myself I’m 23 currently a road marker so hello all :smiley:

Hi there

Hope all goes well with the theory. Have you got your training booked yet?

Gives me hope anyway seeing all these under 25 wannabe drivers as some say its pretty difficult to find work but others here have proved it is possible.

No I haven’t booked the training yet still looking at options but shouldn’t be long.

I hear jobs are hard to come by at a younger age but I’m one of them you only live once may as well have a crack at it and see where I end up!

Hi all my name is Tom from the west of Scotland just recently passed my class 2 or class c as its called now just a thought I’d put a wee intro post cheers