Another insurance getout?

A mate was telling me the other day,(He’s not a truck driver),about an accident he was involved in in Leek.
Apparently he was parked in a narrow street when a double manned Polish artic came past and had to make a jack knife turn,his trailer tail swing caught my mate’s car causing considerable damage.
Details were exchanged,the police had to be there as the road was blocked for some time,pictures were taken and the regisration number from the unit was taken.
It should have been an open and shut case,the damage to my mate’s car was repaired,but the insurance firm has insisted my mate pay £200 excess because he didn’t get the registration number off the trailer!
My mate was not aware that in Europe,trailers are registered as an indvidual vehicle,and as such,have a different registration number to the unit.
So,if you are unlucky enough to have a fender bender with a European artic,make sure you get the reg of both parts of the rig.

is the trailer number not on any of the pics ■■?

Yeh, seeing as it was the trailer part that smacked up the car and all…

Trailer have registration numbers here too. Can you not approach the firm directly as I imagine they have records of who is drawing what trailer. Failing that just tell them the trailer was unregistered. Your insurance firm will then speak to the other drivers insurance firm and get the registration number from them

No point telling the insurance company the trailer was unregistered because they would know being a European vehicle and trailer that it would be registered separately hence the £200.00 shaft the car owner got.
Another rip off Britain scenario :imp: :imp:

A mate was telling me the other day,(He’s not a truck driver),about an accident he was involved in in Leek.
Apparently he was parked in a narrow street when a double manned Polish artic came past and had to make a jack knife turn,his trailer tail swing caught my mate’s car causing considerable damage.
Details were exchanged,the police had to be there as the road was blocked for some time,pictures were taken and the regisration number from the unit was taken.
It should have been an open and shut case,the damage to my mate’s car was repaired,but the insurance firm has insisted my mate pay £200 excess because he didn’t get the registration number off the trailer!
My mate was not aware that in Europe,trailers are registered as an indvidual vehicle,and as such,have a different registration number to the unit.
So,if you are unlucky enough to have a fender bender with a European artic,make sure you get the reg of both parts of the rig.

Im guessing your mate has claim on his fully comp. insurance. You have to claim from the truck drivers insurance. The truck is to blame. Any problems with tracing the trucker then claim from the MIB(including your friends excess) If you don`t then its classed as a fault accident on your friend.

Good Luck

My car was reversed into by a CZ reg truck pulling a Belgian reg trailer, I got all the info, police involved etc & even chased up the hauliers international insurance to check it was legit, my car has since been repaired but the truck’s insurer still hasn’t paid up to this day, it’s been over 2yrs…

it`s an absolute disgrace :smiling_imp:

My car was reversed into by a CZ reg truck pulling a Belgian reg trailer, I got all the info, police involved etc & even chased up the hauliers international insurance to check it was legit, my car has since been repaired but the truck’s insurer still hasn’t paid up to this day, it’s been over 2yrs…


It took me 3 months. 27 pages form to fill in. Job done.

My cousin used to work for a national chain of car dealers and accident repairers.
After his missus was rear ended by a taxi, he was having issues with his insurance company. He mentioned it to his boss and his boss told him to not bother with his insurance company at all, and to phone them and cancel the claim. They admitted fault, so just get the car repaired and send them the invoice (including costs for a courtesy car as his wife is a district nurse and needed one for visiting the old people to wipe their arses) . He did, and they paid up within a week. No questions asked.

My cousin used to work for a national chain of car dealers and accident repairers.
After his missus was rear ended by a taxi, he was having issues with his insurance company. He mentioned it to his boss and his boss told him to not bother with his insurance company at all, and to phone them and cancel the claim. They admitted fault, so just get the car repaired and send them the invoice (including costs for a courtesy car as his wife is a district nurse and needed one for visiting the old people to wipe their arses) . He did, and they paid up within a week. No questions asked.

even cancelling the claim you will get screwed because at the time of renewal you will have to inform any claims or “losses” and even though they aint done jack shiznet that will be now on a system as a loss and when you come to make another claim they will say “you never informed us of this loss at time of renewal”.

insurance companies are sharks and if they can get out of paying they will.

big boots:

My cousin used to work for a national chain of car dealers and accident repairers.
After his missus was rear ended by a taxi, he was having issues with his insurance company. He mentioned it to his boss and his boss told him to not bother with his insurance company at all, and to phone them and cancel the claim. They admitted fault, so just get the car repaired and send them the invoice (including costs for a courtesy car as his wife is a district nurse and needed one for visiting the old people to wipe their arses) . He did, and they paid up within a week. No questions asked.

even cancelling the claim you will get screwed because at the time of renewal you will have to inform any claims or “losses” and even though they aint done jack shiznet that will be now on a system as a loss and when you come to make another claim they will say “you never informed us of this loss at time of renewal”.

insurance companies are sharks and if they can get out of paying they will.

how can it be a loss if claim is withdrawn then no loss incurred more bs here i smell

big boots:
even cancelling the claim you will get screwed because at the time of renewal you will have to inform any claims or “losses” and even though they aint done jack shiznet that will be now on a system as a loss and when you come to make another claim they will say “you never informed us of this loss at time of renewal”.

insurance companies are sharks and if they can get out of paying they will.

how can it be a loss if claim is withdrawn then no loss incurred more bs here i smell

You can have a no fault incident that results in a claim & you do not have to involve your insurance Co’ in that claim. BUT, you do have to inform them of the original incident. This goes for all of your incidents, even the ones you may have in the Boss’s truck whilst at work.

Does this increase your premiums?

You can bet your life it does & for very real reasons. Who would insure someone who’s involved in 5+ non fault incidents a year?

This thread however is pointless, we are discussing & getting sidetracked by something that never happened. Anyone with even a basic understanding of how the vehicle insurance industry works could spot the fatal flaw in the OP.

if there is a reason for getting out of paying they will try it trust me,if motor insurance was’nt compulsary 50 % of motorists would’nt bother :smiley:

get back to me in a few years when i am proven right. :smiling_imp: