Another fatal (M5 Gloucester)

Phantom Mark:
It isn’t normal for it to happen without warning, maybe you have underlying medical issue that may be worth checking out, seriously and not in any way sarcastically, light switch syndrome is not normal.

That is much more likely, sleep apnoea for instance or low oxygen levels in the blood. I agree you do not suddenly become “asleep”

Even without the opt out, night working can still mean 15 hour shifts

Driver fatigue was covered on my DCPC.

It hits home when its explained that when you close your eyes for just 2 seconds at 56mph you travel 50m.

And before the “senior members” start, we’ve all done it!

Phantom Mark:
my eyes have never got tired and progressively harder to focus.

Mine have.

Phantom Mark:
It isn’t normal for it to happen without warning, maybe you have underlying medical issue that may be worth checking out, seriously and not in any way sarcastically, light switch syndrome is not normal.

Giving up nights has ended that issue thankfully!


Most of the posts on this subject are cheap non sensical ego comments or deluded opinions on the rights or wrongs of when tiredness grabs hold.
The man is dead and a great loss to his family and the posts should surely be to offer deepest condolences to his family and be left at that!

I might be wrong

You are.

One Eyed Trucker:
Driver fatigue was covered on my DCPC.

It hits home when its explained that when you close your eyes for just 2 seconds at 56mph you travel 50m.

And before the “senior members” start, we’ve all done it!

We have, and we have done it for longer than the younger members. I stand correct, when tiredness comes, you know it is coming!

Forget the phone calls, deadlines and infringements. The driver is in charge every time.

A 15 minute WTD(RTD) power nap is the way old drivers have coped for many years. We just didn’t need any legislation before.

I have to say, there is nothing worse than getting the nodds when you still have 250k’s to do, feels like the end of the world, very rare I get that way now, but I think that is because I am much stricter with my sleep cycles than I used to be, power naps don’t seem to work for me because I have never mastered them sadly.