Another diary from me (shorter)

This is my second diary, which will be a lot smaller.

This diary starts on a Monday when we set off from home for the truck at 13:15 and arrive there at 13:20 (we were in a different truck because my dad’s was left down in Evesham on Friday for a service).

He does all his checks and has a chat with the other Hartwell driver and we set off at 13:35 for Great Bear at Skem for 9 pallets. We get there at 14:03 which is about on time, and were sent round to bay 41.

Were loaded and off the bay at 14:35 and we go round to sort the paperwork out at the gatehouse, and were Evesham bound at 14:40, we get back to the yard at 17:20 but me and my dad are chatting to one of the office staff so i forgot to get a pic. :blush: We go and put our trailer on bay 9, then unhook the unit and take it back around to the garage where we take our stuff out of S2 and put it back in our truck. We have our break outside the garage and we go and chat to the fitters for a while then we have tea, break over and tea finished, we go and hook up to our trailer on bay 9 and wait to get loaded. We set off for Liverpool and ariive at 22:00 and as usual im on the forklift, were tipped in 40 minutes but my dad decides to make a brew before we leave so we set off for Ashton-in-Makerfield at 22:50.

We get to Fresh Direct at Ashton at 23:25 and were sent round to bay 2 even though we have half a pallet of herbs which could be tipped round the front, so were out of there at 23:35 and Preston bound. We roll into Haslam’s and Dobson’s at Preston at 00:10 and im on the forklift again as usual and were tipped and out of there for 00:25, its a short nip across the road to Cookson’s and were out of there at 00:40 after we’ve had the stuff checked as its a mixed pallet. We get to our last drop Sharrocks, at 00:55 and after being tipped and having a chat we leave at 01:20 and head for home, we get home at 01:50 which is quite early to be honest and im in bed for 01:55.


Cheers for reading, sorry about the lack of pictures but we were a bit busy so i didnt have time for pics and i was busy talking to people aswell.

Good effort , i enjoyed it


Great diary mate keep it up

Cheers forgot id done this one until it popped back up!

Is a requirement that if you drive a topline you must make a dairy lol.

I haven’t done a diary for a few years now … I really must make an effort and do one again. Mine used to be about runs down to Spain and Portugal but as I only seem to do Benelux and Germany these days, it doesn’t seem as interesting.

As I was bored, I just searched and found the last one I did … didn’t realise it had been six years since I had done one!!!


Is a requirement that if you drive a topline you must make a dairy lol.

Haha i made my diary because i couldnt find any recently posted diaries at the time and i knew that everyone likes a read of them!

I haven’t done a diary for a few years now … I really must make an effort and do one again. Mine used to be about runs down to Spain and Portugal but as I only seem to do Benelux and Germany these days, it doesn’t seem as interesting.

As I was bored, I just searched and found the last one I did … didn’t realise it had been six years since I had done one!!!


Thats a cracking diary, im not normally interested in overseas diaries but i really enjoyed that!