Another dcpc topic

I thought i would share my experience of today’s dcpc course… Firstly it cost £65 for that a voucher was chucked in for a cafe across the street to get a sandwich and bottle of water, So no drinks provided on site ( although this is not the trainers fault). It was an 8am start and the first 45 mins was taken up with the trainer photocopying licences and getting us all to sign the relevant forms.
The course name was…“Route Planning for the Collection & Delivery of Loads”
The trainer explained that as a few people had been getting minor infringements he would quickly go over driver hours 1st… That lasted until 2pm (minus 1 hours lunch)
The trainer also told everyone that you MUST have 30 mins break on the 6 hr mark, And as i have mentioned in another thread i queried and asked wether i could work 6 then 15 mins then work another 3 and 15 mins break again…The answer was a firm NO its 30 minutes at or before preferably 6hrs work.
At 2pm we finally started to be shown the course for the day this consisted of a slideshow of 10 or so symbols from a standard uk map and us having to identify bustops or train station signs,Next he showed a map of London (we are in derbyshire) and the congestion area , and after that a larger map of the LEZ area around London.
Last part was drivers health a short slideshow about the amount of calories some drivers eat unhealthy and another set for a healthy diet, At around 3 pm the trainer handed around his “how good was my training” sheet and we was all out of the door by quarter past.
Some background about my experience…I have before today completed 21 hours towards the cpc and 1 of them courses was drivers hours and tacho laws, which was over a year ago and the trainer then said the same thing about Wtd, i only know different through reading trucknet. I have been driving for about 10 years and 1 of my 1st jobs was driving a 7.5tonne to covent garden everynight ( that was around the time of the London bombing) congestion charge i believe was just being introduced back then.
Overall this was a waste of my money , and the trainer literally had little to teach anyone, he heavily relied on us drivers telling stories and rdc type chat . On other cpc courses i have learnt a little from each but frankly i came away feeling upset that had got nothing from todays course, And it’s not that i’m trying to be a know-it-all far from it most drivers on the course had far more experience than myself. Anyway rant over ( i feel the need to after wasting £65) i’m sure you will all be fed up of another cpc rant

Do you really expect anything better?

Everybody knows that this DCPC is just one big scam.Just a way to get your hard earned cash out of your pocket and into some other useless pillocks wallet.

Wonder what the next rip off will consist of? Im sure its already in the pipe line now.
Just another form of indirect taxation.

RE 6 hour RTD break rule - print off the DfT letter from viewtopic.php?f=7&t=99021#p1464526 then let the trainer argue with that !!

Your experience is much the same as most others I have read

Its either a general waste of time for experienced drivers or an extra cost on an existing training course like ADR

Drivers only need targetted training if they have been assessed as needing it

I feel that the trainer was someone that has just learned everything from a pdf document given to him by his employers and just reels of everything from there, He is/was a driver himself so was able to join in the banter and made no effort to stop any banter. It was utter joke that he was showing a few road map signs to skilled drivers and ffs telling us how to eat to stay healthy !!! what does that really have to do with driving trucks, It was poorly put together and poorly executed.JPT Driver CPC is name of course provider

The course you did, did not last for 7 hours and all paper work must be done before the course starts, lunch,tea breaks are not included in that 7 hours. I would be very careful about taking about it or tell anyone as you could loose your 7 hours if a report goes out to juapt.

Trainer cutting corners is not needed just good training with good knowledge.