Another cyclist thread

speed related… was driving about the other day and there were quite a few of the lycra clad around in some sort of race I presume, as I was only running a short distance with 4 other drivers doing the same, i got a call from one of the others that police had set up a speed trap in a village we were driving through, 30mph, as you enter the village there is a down hill and the police set up the radar at the bottom, well cos i knew i made sure i didnt exceed 30 (like always :laughing: ) but as i approached the village i overtook 6 cyclists as they were slow doing the uphill bit, but coming down the hill all of em passed me on the near side :blush: and were clearly doing more then 30 and were pulling away from me downhill clearly, but even though the police must have seen not only the speed but the way they came up the inside of me they did nothing, the thing is can the police actually do anything about this??

All sounds very dubious.Sounds like you leave far to big a gap on your nearside.

All sounds very dubious.Sounds like you leave far to big a gap on your nearside.

:laughing: :laughing:

FFS that is what i mean… they came one at a time down the inside of me, yes I leave a gap, not massive but as no one was coming the other way and the hedgerow is a little overgrown… i kept towards the middle of the road more then usual… but the point i,m making was the cyclists in anyones book made a dangerous move, as well as obviously going faster then the speed limit,

stevieboy as your from sboro you might know welham rd in malton and the hill i,m talking about?

but then its all dubious and never happened did it… perhaps i dreamt it…

i had to look it up! but i’ve defo been down that road, but not much so can’t really picture it. i might go for a ride on my bike that way today to refresh the memory :laughing: :laughing: but i was a regular along langton road that pretty much runs parallel to it at one point, so the same hill!

and i wasn’t laughing at you :sunglasses:

langton does run paralell but as a more gradual fall on it then welham rd…

Who said anything about it not happening? I said it sounded dubious and it does to me.
Would you rather they overtook you on your offside? Would that have been safer? If you saw them in your mirror why were they in danger?

Who said anything about it not happening? I said it sounded dubious and it does to me.
Would you rather they overtook you on your offside? Would that have been safer? If you saw them in your mirror why were they in danger?

It would have been safer for them to leave their bikes at home and walk. No big deal really, just another load of thick suicide morons who can’t ride a bike.

It looks to me like they could ride their bikes, and quite quickly too, suicidal or not.
You cannot be charged with speeding on a bicycle. You can be charged with riding furiously or riding dangerously. Most of the time cyclists don’t show up on speed detectors, not big enough apparently, obviously that does not apply to me.

It looks to me like they could ride their bikes, and quite quickly too, suicidal or not.
You cannot be charged with speeding on a bicycle. You can be charged with riding furiously or riding dangerously. Most of the time cyclists don’t show up on speed detectors, not big enough apparently, obviously that does not apply to me.

is that right?

years ago a dude on a bike made the national radio news for getting busted for speeding on a bike in widnes, possibly kingsway.

good to know if it’s true, as i have an aim of breaking the NSL on my mountain bike :laughing: :laughing:

good to know if it’s true, as i have an aim of breaking the NSL on my mountain bike :laughing: :laughing:

Good luck with that Stevie. Hope it goes better for you than it did for this guy! :smiley: :smiley:

Think of the children…
If you say anything about Cyclists on this truck forum we get CSI Cyclenet on who tell you shouldn’t have a licence for having a opinion and how they own the road they just let us use it

Who said anything about it not happening? I said it sounded dubious and it does to me.
Would you rather they overtook you on your offside? Would that have been safer? If you saw them in your mirror why were they in danger?

I would have thought that any undertaking as its fair share of danger about it?

a facebook friend as passed some info from a cycling site onto me, alot of the serious cyclists have some computer thing attached to the bike which shows them distance cycled, speeds, average and top speed ect, this info can be put onto this site, the common average speed id about 15-20mph but top speeds are in the forties…

personally i didnt realise you could get these speeds on a road cycle in normal conditions, or the fact I wouldnt want to do it, a race track or closed roads maybe but not in everyday conditions.

You can buy a cycle computer for about £8.00 in Aldi or Maplin.I often see 30.mph on my bike going down hill I am 60 years young so an athletic sort would go faster,on a level road I ride at about 14m.p.h.

Wait until you see some Time Trials going on. They do them near me, I know a few guys who take part. The lad who won the 25 mile race last week did it in 55 minutes averaging 30mph. He also did 10 miles in 19 minutes a couple of days ago. That’s about as fast as me in my car!!

The vast majority of road cyclists are incredibly arrogant. Three times this year I’ve seen a group of 10-15 riders and they ride about 4 bikes wide. Nobody can get past them. You have a line of cars stuck behind, eventually one gets knocked off and they wonder why. Deserve all they get riding like that, same goes for undertaking a truck…


the maoster:

good to know if it’s true, as i have an aim of breaking the NSL on my mountain bike :laughing: :laughing:

Good luck with that Stevie. Hope it goes better for you than it did for this guy! :smiley: :smiley:

me too :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:

a facebook friend as passed some info from a cycling site onto me, alot of the serious cyclists have some computer thing attached to the bike which shows them distance cycled, speeds, average and top speed ect, this info can be put onto this site, the common average speed id about 15-20mph but top speeds are in the forties…

personally i didnt realise you could get these speeds on a road cycle in normal conditions, or the fact I wouldnt want to do it, a race track or closed roads maybe but not in everyday conditions.

you can get free apps for any decent phone that’ll record all the data you’ll ever want from your ride

i’ve had 49mph down staxton hill, but i had a rucksack on messing up my aero, tyres with off road pressures, had to have a quick sit up and brake, so i reckon low to mid 50’s should be doable and who knows if we start drafting :laughing: :laughing: gonna try flixton hill and garrowby would be fun :laughing: :laughing:

i live at the bottom of garrowby so please don,t come flying through front window…

i,m not anti cyclist as such but i just cannot understand why they put themselves at such risk, and it can only get worse with tour de france coming to uk, next year, a simple mistake and a cyclist is a gonna… its coming upto harvest and we get plaqued by local cycling clubs having unofficial races around the lanes by me, riding 3/4 abreast with no idea what is coming around the corner and as many of the lanes are single track its only a matter of time before one gets combined… the last couple of years we have had an ■■■■■■ to move combine but the cyclists still ignore this and carry on. in places the roads are only as wide as the combine so there will be accident at some point…