Baby boy born this morning at 00.20 weighing in at 9lb 7oz
pictures will follow
Congratulations, Gurner!! He held there, didn’t he? I hope your wife is feeling ok. Best wishes to you all!
Just noticed the 9lb 7 bit - OUCH!!
Congratulations Gurner ( and to Mrs Gurner )
CONGRATS gurner (nows the time to get the night shift job )
Congratulations Gurner. Are you sure, given that weight of 9lbs 7 oz and the time of year, it’s not an oven ready turkey?
Baby boy born this morning at 00.20 weighing in at 9lb 7oz
pictures will follow
Born at 00.20. Awkward so and so, then . Many Congratulations Gurner .
CONGRATULATIONS what a lovely xmas pressie hope both are doing well
I wasnt there for the birth, we had decided that as i was no good the first time round when marcus was born, that id stay home and look after marcus and judy had her friend with her.
anyway, when i went to see judy and jack (the new name) this morning, i was told of the labour
Altough he is ok now, during the birth his shoulder was stuck in judy’s pelvis, and they tried to pull him out, at first they didnt realise the cord was wrapped around his neck, when he finally came out he was grey and lifeless with no pulse nor breathing, within 5 minutes they has resussed him and he was fine, the mrs was quite hysterical, i even shed a tear after sitting here this afternoon thinking about what could have happened.
Thank god he is ok and was in good hands thats all i can say.
bloody hell, gurner… so when you fitting the baby chair into the wagon
Born at 00.20. Awkward so and so,
Depends what time His booking was for!!!
Congrats to you and the other half hope all is well.
Just noticed the 9lb 7 bit - OUCH!!
I was 10lb 8 is it any wonder my mum hates me
Congrats gurner
congrats gurner…hope both are doing well now and i take it a few beers are in order
Congrats mate its simply the greatest feeling you can have when that little thing pops out, apart of course from my mothers feelings when i did as i was 12Lb 7 Oz and she was 42 years old when i was born .
Sorry Mum .
Shares a birthday with our son Seth… he’s 9 today… congratulations!!! We’ll have a piece of cake for ya!
What a lovely bit of news! We’re thrilled to bits for you all. Well done! Bless you all!
That’s lovely Gurner .
Congratulations to you and yours Gurner.
I imagine it’ll be a very merry christmas this year.