Angry pedestrian

I was trundling through congested city traffic.
The traffic light was green,an ambulance was coming up behind me so i pull slightly over to the left to let him pass.
By this time the light was red.
The trailer is now halfway on the foot crossing as the traffic has stopped in front of me.
A lady who was stood waiting to cross had walked in the blind side under the passenger door,in front of the cab,and stands by the drivers door giving me abuse and attitude for blocking the crossing.
Where did she expect an artic to go.?
She saw the ambulance.
A driver said i should have kept moving and let the ambulance do what he has to do.
The lady was nearly ran over.I could not see her.

The advice was correct

Might be correct but it’s crap advice. Help out where you can is my moto rather than being an oblivious I’m alright Jack.

Might be correct but it’s crap advice. Help out where you can is my moto rather than being an oblivious I’m alright Jack.

As a sapeur-pompier volontaire here in France and therefore part time ambulance driver I can concur with the advice given. By all means pull over or move over if you are not going to potentially block the road or junction, but more often than not some one will do the same in the other direction and actually create a bottleneck. Better to keep going, keeping to the side of the road as much as possible, and let the emergency vehicule driver deal appropriately with the situation, but at least he will be able to keep moving.

It always amazes me how drivers over react when they see or hear emergency vehicles.Quite a lot of the time it is best just to carry on but drivers will suddenly stop or slow down when there is no need.
As per usual drivers panic and do stupid things instead of thinking first.
I know a lot of firefighters and police who have also told me some of the ludicrous things drivers do.
Never put anyone else in danger just to get out of the way of an emergency vehicle.

^^^^ quite agree. Can’t count the number of times I’ve followed somebody on a d/c and they’ve actually braked when a set of blue lights has come the OPPOSITE way!

Or the other night whilst driving home to be suddenly confronted by an advertising ambulance on my side of the road cresting a blind summit all because the numpty driver he caught up panicked and stopped on the crest of the hill.

Best to keep going to find suitable place to pull over.

Over reaction from the pedestrian, just another person looking for an opportunity to moan at somebody.

I had a bit of a dilemma on the approach to a roundabout in town in my car. Police behind me, traffic in next lane solid. Car in front moves over a bit, not much. I’m locking the cops. Nowhere to go except drive up the pavement, so unfortunately have to sit there for twenty seconds :blush: What do you do?

Matey boy in front wont move, clout someone on the pavement or worse and I could be avoiding dropping the soap for six months.

The coppers were giving me all sorts of arm signals :laughing: :laughing: :unamused:

cant beat the cyclist you knocked a driver out today near copdock with the drivers door

I guess you should have not gone onto the crossing until it was clear to move to the other side of it completely.

cant beat the cyclist you knocked a driver out today near copdock with the drivers door

huh :question:


cant beat the cyclist you knocked a driver out today near copdock with the drivers door

huh :question:

See this post.



cant beat the cyclist you knocked a driver out today near copdock with the drivers door

huh :question:

See this post.

Enraged cyclist knocks lorry driver unconscious - THE UK PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS FORUM (INTERACTIVE) - Trucknet UK

ah I see :smiley:

i had a classic today just outside earls court 4 2 14,an ambulance with the blues and twos on comes up behind me and a car that was at my rear,we come to a set of lights on red, i keep left expecting the car to do the same and allow the ambulance the second lane,what did the muppet do, he pulls into the second lane and blocks the ambulance he then tries to drive into my unit to let the ambulance through,even the ambulance driver could not believe it

i would have replied this tell you what lady,if you dont worry about it then neither will i before driving off laughing,done it before,makes them worse,they only end up showing themselves up

Some people are just thick, there’s not much you can do about it.