Andy Gray sacked

Wheel Nut:

I see they have joined TalkSport and start on Monday between 10:00 and 13:00. Excellent, another reason not to listen to the worst radio station in the country, as if one was needed, and it hopefully means they aren’t going to turn up on ESPN…

TalkSport is being revamped early next year and will be known as TalkCrap. They have been practising the new format ever since they sacked James Whale

They can stop practising, they’ve nailed it.

Andy Gray’s Resignation Letter…

I’m so sad to be leaving a company that I’ve served for over 20 years and a job that I’ve loved doing.

However, as I’m sacked anyway, I might as well tell you the story about my friend that I was going to tell on air next week.

You see, she got a job as a teacher of physical education to a group of teenage boys.

One day she notices a boy in the field standing alone at one end of the field,
while all the other kids are running around at the other end having fun.

She takes pity on him and decides to speak to him.

“You ok sweetheart?” she says.

“Yes Miss” he replies.

“'You can go and play with the other kids if you want” she says.

" I think that it’s best if I stay here Miss." he says.

“Why?” asks the blonde.

The boy replies: “Because I’m the ------- goal keeper”

Yours sincerely.
Andy Gray