And the public have a cheek to call us

Came down from Longtown on the M6 this afternoon,and needed a 30,so I decided to call in at Southwaite.

What I saw upon entering the lorry park shocked me beyond belief. :open_mouth:

The so called Rangers supporters who had come down from Glasgow,and other areas,had left enough mess to fill a landfill site,and amongst all the coffee cups and burger wrappers,were countless amounts of bottles,a lot of them broken,and left for anyone who entered the area,to drive over and possibly suffer punctures as a result.

I felt sorry for the staff,who were going round picking this crap up,when they could be better employed doing other things.

If Moto have an ounce of sense about them,they should send the bill to the club,and ask them to pay for the labour,and quote them that it was THEIR supporters who made this mess.

What hacks me off though,is that if it were a lorry driver,British or foreign,he would be strung up by the ■■■■■■■■ for it,and probably end up with a fine for littering. :angry:


Typical Huns. :laughing:

Was in there at 9 this morning when the coaches were pulling a lot of them were already bladdered and relieving themselves were they stood :confused:

I knew we should have built that wall higher… :angry:

I knew we should have built that wall higher… :angry:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Is this were the argument begins

Was in there at 9 this morning when the coaches were pulling a lot of them were already bladdered and relieving themselves were they stood :confused:

Passed a mini bus at 7AM on hard shoulder on 74 ,with at least half a dozen out on grass relieving them selfs , god knows wot they will be like when they got to manchester !

Don’t worry they’re going back soon :smiley:

and with their tails between their legs :cry:

The jocks in frocks,have just been beaten 2-0.

So they’ll be calling in at Southwaite north on the way back,to ■■■■ all over that as well.


Oh… and the english teams supporters dont do things like that… yea right ,they are like animals as well.

But this thread has NOTHING to do with English supporters,if you read it correctly.


But this thread has NOTHING to do with English supporters,if you read it correctly.


No it’s to do with “jocks in frocks” hasn’t it Ken, as some of you stupid english people say in that typical narrow minded english way, when you’re describing ALL scottish people!

Not surprisingly, you started with it being Rangers supporters, now it’s just scottish people in general!

I’m not condoning their behaviour in service stations, or the worse behaviour of some so called Rangers fans in the city centre of Manchester last night - but let’s be honest here, you just came on here to have a go at Scottish people in general didn’t you!
Take your anti-scottish misinformed nonsense elsewhere…oh and while you’re at it, think about the world wide reputation many of your own so called english football supporters have for drunken, racist and thuggish behaviour!
Oh and don’t forget also, SOME english people’s loutish behaviour when they’re on holiday as well!

Oh, and one more thing, go and get a life!

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Want some vinegar for that chip on your shoulder?

Want some vinegar for that chip on your shoulder?

I can honestly tell you Koop, that I do have a chip on my shoulder when it comes to SOME english people who put all scots in to the same catergory, especially when they’ve got a gripe about scots!

For the record. I am not anti-english and never will be.
I’m not so ignorant to think that all Londoners sing “knees up mother brown” every saturday night down the Queen Vic!
I’m not so ignorant to think that all Yorkshire people go down the coal mines every morning!
I don’t think all Liverpudlians have posters of “The Fab Four” up on their bedroom walls and sing “Ferry across the Mersey” on their way to work every day!

Etc, etc, etc!

In other words I don’t generalise about the millions of english people who live in England, and stick them all into a few simple catergories!

Typical Huns. :laughing:

That added a lot to the discussion. Just your typical redneck southern irish view that anybody wearing blue is a “hun”. Get a life you eejit.

all the above just proves willie macs point.

everybody is too busy slagging each other off like kids, rather than stick together.

I,d like to see what would happen if any other football team took 100,000 fans to a football game in britain. I,m sure they would all be waiting patiently single file to use the toilet or put there rubbish in the bin Aye Ken :exclamation: :exclamation:

p.s condolences to tommy burn,s family on there sad loss.

I’m not anti Scottish at all.In fact,I have friends who come from north of the border. Coatbridge and Inverness to be precise.

If you read the original post,you will see that I mentioned the state of the truck park at Southwaite,and how the public that don’t know,and weren’t aware that there was a lot of travelling fans going to Manchester,will immediately say that truck drivers are a dirty lot.Our job is hard enough.without getting more misery heaped on us by an uneducated section of the public,of which there are some.

And at what point did I have a go at Scots in general? :confused:

From the outset I mentioned RANGERS supporters,not any other section of the Scottish people.For all we know,some of the supporters could have come from Carlisle,and could have been English.

Whatever your perspective,at least we have one thing in common,which is what the thread was all about,and that we can’t condone what the so called supporters have done.


[And at what point did I have a go at Scots in general? :confused:

no you didn,t did you Ken :question:


at least us jocks have got the BALLS to wear a frock, :laughing:

at least us jocks have got the BALLS to wear a frock, :laughing:

HERE HERE :smiley: