Analogue Tacho's and the mode switch

Hi all bit of a noob question here so please bear with me,this week i have been driving a 7.5 ton Mercedes fitted with an old Analogue Tacho.
Im doing multidrop deliveries,the Tacho has the hammers/POA(SQUARE WITH A LINE THROUGH IT)and of course rest mode,I have left the mode switch to other work while driving,and have only switched it to rest when taking a break,then switching back to other work when continuing with my deliveries.
Was told to-day that i had to leave the Mode switch to POA whilst driving,then switch to other work when doing a delivery,and then switch back to POA while moving of again,and this has to be done at every delivery stop,i never use POA,and was under the impression that simply leaving the mode to hammers while driving,then when i stop to do a delivery(average time 10 mins)the tacho would record other work.Sorry if this is a noob question just wanting to keep myself right,thanks for looking and hats off to a great forum cheers


You’re right and the person who told you to use poa whilst driving needs some training.

You’re right and the person who told you to use poa whilst driving needs some training.

Thought so tachograph thanks for confirming.

. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Welcome TELREA :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: .

Forum with some useful stuff

Sorry never noticed that it was your first post :blush:
I was viewing a replying from the mobile phone so had to keep the reply short as I don’t find it that easy to reply on such a small screen.


Welcome to Trucknet UK TELREA :smiley: :smiley:

I really can’t imagine why anyone would suggest putting the tacho on POA for driving then changing it to other work when you stop driving :confused:

Anyway as I said before you are doing the correct thing by leaving the tachograph on the cross hammers (other work) and only changing the mode for breaks, as you said the mode will change automatically to driving once the wheels start turning and return automatically to other work when the vehicle stops.
You can verify this by checking the tachograph chart.

Sorry if this is a noob question just wanting to keep myself right

No need to apologise mate … if in doubt ask, we all had to learn sometime :wink:

Unfortunately it is people who tell you this crap that have forced the Driver CPC into being.

Before the drivers are forced to do it, let there be a [ zb] traffic clerks question and answer session :open_mouth:

Thanks for the replies!Much appreciated :smiley: