An update and a question

I passed my C/C+E about three years ago, more for my satisfaction rather than need. Since then I’ve had a few half hearted attempts at getting weekend work trucking but nothing came of it. Now that my full time IT job is coming to an end (being made redundant), then I want to go the driving a go. I’ve read up on what to expect on assessments, but have a question about reversing onto a bay - how to judge how close you are? On test, I had no trouble - with the help of those marker tapes stuck on the trailer. On assessment, would that make me look silly sticking a marker on for that purpose?

Just go and book a few hrs refresher training… that’s what I’m doing…as I’ve been out the loop for a while due to an injury…

You’re right - stickers would make you look daft! When reversing onto a bay go VERY steady until the buffers on the trailer meet the bay. You’ll stop, believe me!

You may do well to book a refresher and do some “real reversing” before going for assessment.

All the best with it, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Thanks, Pete, thought you had to stop before touching anything, never done this in ‘real life’. I have done a refresher recently so hopefully as ready as I’ll ever be. :slight_smile:

when parking in a bay in an artic, you have buffers on the back like someone has said, just gently roll back until you touch the bay these will stop you without any damage to the vehicle itself.