An interesting day!

Quite an interesting day, all ends up.

did a day for a commercial motor auctions in donny, taking from one part of the yard, drive through the viewing/bidding area, drive off and park it, off for the next one.

been a while since I’ve driven such sheds mind you (not since trade-plating) but some nice kit as well which made it worthwhile.

I reckon my only grumbles were trying to drive through like it was a safari park but with people instead of monkies hanging off the mirrors - and kids wandering unattended, around the yard - one legged it out of a row of trucks and tripped headlong out in front of me - JUST stopped in time and fortunately nobody too close behind.

other than that I reckon I’d not mind going back next time there’s one on :smiley:

Sounds OK as an occaisional job, can’t be hard work, can it? :sunglasses:

the only hard bit is squishing out of some of the wagons into gangways you have to walk sideways down (so the door won’t open far depending on the model, and what part of the truck next you is where) -

oh, and running about like a loon between vehicles on the vans stage when they go through cos they get parked quicker the turnover is quicker.

and the driving through the crowd bit - when it’s the artics and wagon/drag set-ups the 2nd bit of the bidding area was used, where normally people gathered to see the rigids, vans etc - so a little tooting encouragement to make em shift is needed and even then it’s inches between toes and wheels, faces and mirrors etc :smiley:

can’t be hard work, can it?

sounds about the right job for me :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i’ve been to that auction a few times and i know what you mean about the vans, they dont hang about do they :slight_smile:

Glad you had a good day el gordo 78 and you will be
earning some money until you get some class 1 work again.
All the best :smiley:

glad you finally got some work . when you go to another agency tell them it was class1 work and they wont know any differance.

well yeah, drove a wag/drag and an artic thru so I guess it was :wink:

a lad, age 23 just passed his class 2 was there too. he’d done an odd day or so elsewhere up and down the road, loads of space, no pressure. he was buzzing on nerves and fear for the first 2 hours it seemed, driving tractor units through tight spots, weaving LWB rigids between parked trailers, vans, people etc. should have seen his face when he saw what appeared to be a rigid, was ready to go get in, then noticed the trailer attached to the back :smiley: - “am I meant to do that one as well?” hehe. poor lad. after he was left to think he was for a few moments, he was told he could do the bin wagon instead. he came out the end of the day quite happy though so he did okay from it all, and has at least experienced a dozen or so new gearboxes, and some real tight manouvering and parking.

here kitkat - good fun work, dead easy, but only once a fortnight :frowning: