An amusing way to load a car on a trailer ;)

This link was on another forum,he was getting that car on trailer no matter what LOL … hp?t=49976

nice!! :open_mouth:

what a killer, as a transporter driver i can see the real funny side .


I found this a while ago and it made me chuckle, dunno why I’m bothering with a lowloader.


I found this a while ago and it made me chuckle, dunno why I’m bothering with a lowloader.

brilliant - now i’d be REALLY impressed if he reloaded it the same way :laughing:

I’m sure that’s how it went on there. Health & safety does not translate into far eastern languages.

I think 3 year old Nathan deserves a round of applause on the mini digger.

Reminds me of an incident many years ago whilst doing a spell on containers. I’d picked up an empty 40ft box from Felixstowe, and was given an address in Surrey for a Saturday collection. The address turned out to be a private house, and I was loading the entire contents of the house and garden. Usually on these sort of jobs, the removal contractor organised a team to empty the house a load the container, but on this one, the customer had organised the whole move, something he apparently did about every 5yrs. He was moving back to the West Indies. As I was offered ‘a good drink’, and had previous experience in the removals trade, I got stuck in,and after 4hrs we had the contents of the house in the box. We had some lunch, then checked what was left in the garden and garage. This consisted mostly of building supplies and equipment, all of which was going in the box. It was only then that a Volvo estate parked down the road was pointed out as also needing to go in the box. As we had no ramps, the customer explained his plan for getting the car in the back, which we then proceeded to do. Firstly, the car was driven up to the back of the trailer. Then, using bricks from the front garden, we put a block of 6 bricks in front of each wheel. The car was then driven onto the bricks, and another block of bricks was put behind the wheels, this time a level higher, and then reversed up onto the stack. By the way, the driving was done by the customers 12yr old son, and this process was repeated until the car was level with the box deck. Scaff boards were then placed between the stacks of bricks and the box, and the car was then driven across them into the box.I got the impression he’d used this method before. It looked precarious, but it worked!



I found this a while ago and it made me chuckle, dunno why I’m bothering with a lowloader.

brilliant - now i’d be REALLY impressed if he reloaded it the same way :laughing:

Along the same lines, but loading :open_mouth: