
Just sitting here thinking about future plans, and wondering what other people on here would like to do in the future, driving-wise. Get out, aim for a certain type of job, go into the office, or anything else?

For me, I would like to do some euro work, although only on the odd occasion rather than full time, as I’d like to see the family as well. Longer term I’d like to end up as a TM for a smallish company, assuming I’ve passed the CPC ex a couple of weeks ago.


be nice to get a steady little trunk job,one drop and swap a day,would’nt even mind doing it for min wage,minimum stress :smiley:

I have ambitions to use the expensive hard earned qualifications I’ve attained in my younger days, I don’t fancy driving trucks forever… :confused:

Very happy where I am now, start around 06.30 finish about 16:30, auto tailgate, auto sheet, auto gearbox, no Saturdays, all local work, no lorries older than 3/4 years, nearly £10 p/h, 10 days off at Christmas, car share with a mate, all the drivers get on, office leave you alone…
I suppose my ambition is to never handball a lad again.

I suppose my ambition is to never handball a lad again.

I’m assuming that was a typo, or have you handballed many lads in your time? :slight_smile: :smiley:

Very happy where I am now, start around 06.30 finish about 16:30, auto tailgate, auto sheet, auto gearbox, no Saturdays, all local work, no lorries older than 3/4 years, nearly £10 p/h, 10 days off at Christmas, car share with a mate, all the drivers get on, office leave you alone…

I’m sure you missed the 72 virgins somewhere in there…:smiley:

Think I would just like to DRIVE back to the studio and get back into adult movies again but sadly disease put paid to that business, too risky.

Carry on driving for another 2-3years then go back to the family business.


I suppose my ambition is to never handball a lad again.

I’m assuming that was a typo, or have you handballed many lads in your time? :slight_smile: :smiley:

Sorry, the O fell off somewhere…I drive an MAN you see and I’m used to bits randomly dropping off.

To gain my ATPL licence…

I am a hobby driver, in that I only drive for 2-3 days a week.
I love what I do and the business that I do it for.
Unfortunately I could not bribe the DCPC trainer to pass me(without attending), so I will be calling it a day in September 2014 at 49 years of age.
I have my own business that gives me financial security, so I will have to get my Mack on the road to get my kicks (private HGV)…And buy a trailer to go with it.
This Govt. stinks, the EU stinks.
They can shove it quite honestly.

To gain my ATPL licence…

I hope your employer pays extremely well driver, you’ll need all the pennies you can get+more…however if you ask nicely (not that you wouldn’t) I can point you in the right direction :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


To gain my ATPL licence…

I hope your employer pays extremely well driver, you’ll need all the pennies you can get+more…however if you ask nicely (not that you wouldn’t) I can point you in the right direction :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I know I’ll need a few quid :wink:
Ok, can you point me in the right direction please mr pimpdaddy sir :grimacing:

I know I’ll need a few quid :wink:
Ok, can you point me in the right direction please mr pimpdaddy sir :grimacing:

You must be minted then drive, what would you like to know…!?

Technically you can’t get your ATPL until you’ve held a job for a while :wink:

Got CPL/IR yet?

Heavy Haulage eventually.

Get my HGV in the next few months and get taken on straight away by a respectable company like Royal Mail and earn over 30k :smiley:

But… Somehow I don’t think things will go as smoothly as that… Probably be agency running for 2 years first!

Only passed my class 2 recently would really like to get a long distance job away sun or mon back fri or sat been an ambition to do this as a career for the latter part of my working life as I’m 49yrs old fingers crossed

To gain my ATPL licence…

That doesn’t bear thinking about! :open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue:

Technically you can’t get your ATPL until you’ve held a job for a while :wink:

Got CPL/IR yet?

You mean PPL?
Then no, I haven’t got it yet, still looking for a place to learn that :wink: