AM Roadways

brian fellows is now tacho tech at scantruck, dont know what happened to lenny berry, they fell out a few years ago.

Hi Supercube just found this site,Lenny berry here brian and i have not fallen out still good friends as we have been for 40+ years.

On behalf of LCB


brian fellows is now tacho tech at scantruck, dont know what happened to lenny berry, they fell out a few years ago.

Hi Supercube just found this site,Lenny berry here brian and i have not fallen out still good friends as we have been for 40+ years.

hi len, sorry i got it wrong, i was quoting someone else, lesson learned, never believe all you hear, hope you are keeping ok and still in touch with the main people. regards bob heath.

Anyone remember AM Roadways West Thurrock ran two tone green 111’s in the 70’s + 80’s on containers out of felixstowe and tilbury.
Also Armour Transport purfleet which i think are still running, anyone know if he’s still going

I remember both those companies .A M Roadways used to store containers for ABC Container line when Russell Davies won the contract Don’t know if Goodways took them over or they just folded.Phil Armour packed up over ten years ago his yard was next to Thames Board Mills at Purfleet its now the foundations for the new eurostar rail link from St Pancras.When I was at RD’s used to sub work to him but not the most reliable at times

I remember phil armour doing some continental work, mainly italy i think - seem to remember him not being overly reliable either :unamused:

I still see some of the partners of AM Roadways as they are still in the game
they used to be at river road barking and then moved to watson close thurrock
all of them used to work for G.L.Baker and the last two scanias they had were in the colours of helinic lines Phill Armour retired when the channell tunnel
rail link went across his yard

I worked for both of these companies in the 80’s AM Roadways merged with Turbostar who i think were from sittingbourne and got a fleet of new white mercedes E registration last i heard Chris Drayson the transport manager was working for Dart up at felixstowe i don’t know what happened to Lenny Berry or Brian ? the fitter.

brian fellows is now tacho tech at scantruck, dont know what happened to lenny berry, they fell out a few years ago.

Yes i remember A M Roadways and Armour i have some photos some where Armour was near Canutes yard on the thames board mills site i was working for canutes in the early eights

chris drayson didnt last long at dart. he also “entertained the queen” for a while over the bankruptcy of am motors. last heard of as a business devolpment bod with potter group at ely.

i worked for am roadways just as they merged with turbostar wot a great job
until they give us a finishing date. I can remember a few drivers;

me brother paul
alan gooch
kevin morris
bobby brown
big gary
kevin the shunter
alan cobb

there are a few more but cant remember anymore

Hi Colin, i remeber you as well, i was only on AM Roadways/ Turbo star for 4 weeks then we all got the push, and then i went to Walker’s, im back at Walker’s now.
What are you up to these day’s.

I seem to remember Lenny being on the front page of The Sun during the dockers strike in the mid 80s…as he went through the picket line at the gates one of the dockers said something along the lines of “i hope you die of cancer”…he jumped out of the truck and squared up to the guy and a photographer snapped it and the next day it was in the paper.