Am I the only one ?

Am I the only one who can read in the USA ?
I see drivers who ignore every sign they see and never get a damm ticket, If I ignored even one you can be sure I’d get one. On I-95 in CT near Bridgeport at the moment there are bridge works and the limit is shown at 45 mph and signs every half mile saying ‘All trucks use right lane only’ so I being a good boy poodle along between 45 and 50 in the right lane watching nutters hurtle by in other lanes doing about 65 and not a blue light in sight. Then we have this new nationwide federal law that you should move over a lane for emergency and service vehicles on the shoulder, again some people seem to ignore the law. Today as I drove along the same route in CT a very large over head sign lit us with the very words “FEDERAL LAW, MOVE OVER FOR EMERGENCY AND SERVICE VEHICLES ON TH SHOULDER” ahead by about half a mile a cop and a tow truck were on the shoulder with lights flashing away yet I watched as two idiots drover under the sign and right past the vehicles without moving. On the Masspike in a 3 lane section another huge lit sign said “USE FAR LEFT LANE TO PASS ONLY” I looked to my left to see 3 cars in the lane and nothing in the middle lane.
I get so annoyed with the standard of driving here.

hi pat,
you sound like mister angry, :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You got a lot of Russian drivers now in the States.

diesel dan:
hi pat,
you sound like mister angry, :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Not really Mick my old mate, old pal, old mucker, just a few years of driving with a lot of idiots on the road.
I was heading up 95 yesterday morning just by the scales in CT, it was closed but a UPS set of doubles was pulling out onto the highway so I moved into the middle lane as yer do and looking in the drivers mirror saw some pillock doing about 90 heading my way but a slower car was in his way, he shot behind me into the slow lane and didn’t slow down a bit, came up the inside full pelt even thought the UPS set up was there and drove right at my passenger side, it’s as if he knew I would give way and I did, not because I didn’t want to kill him because I did, I did not however want to damage my nice new truck or get stuck there while they hold an investigation as they scrape the dead git up. The fact that 2 troopers were watching and did nothing makes me mad :imp:

Pat Hasler:
Am I the only one who can read in the USA ?
I see drivers who ignore every sign they see and never get a damm ticket, If I ignored even one you can be sure I’d get one. On I-95 in CT near Bridgeport at the moment there are bridge works and the limit is shown at 45 mph and signs every half mile saying ‘All trucks use right lane only’ so I being a good boy poodle along between 45 and 50 in the right lane watching nutters hurtle by in other lanes doing about 65 and not a blue light in sight. Then we have this new nationwide federal law that you should move over a lane for emergency and service vehicles on the shoulder, again some people seem to ignore the law. Today as I drove along the same route in CT a very large over head sign lit us with the very words “FEDERAL LAW, MOVE OVER FOR EMERGENCY AND SERVICE VEHICLES ON TH SHOULDER” ahead by about half a mile a cop and a tow truck were on the shoulder with lights flashing away yet I watched as two idiots drover under the sign and right past the vehicles without moving. On the Masspike in a 3 lane section another huge lit sign said “USE FAR LEFT LANE TO PASS ONLY” I looked to my left to see 3 cars in the lane and nothing in the middle lane.
I get so annoyed with the standard of driving here.

Sounds like driving in the UK Pat

Pat, you need to think happy thoughts while your driving, go to your peacefull place, maybe play a relaxation cd with ocean waves and birds chirping then this will be like water off a ducks back :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

In other words, don’t let the ■■■■■■■■ get to you :sunglasses:

Pat, you need to think happy thoughts while your driving, go to your peacefull place, maybe play a relaxation cd with ocean waves and birds chirping then this will be like water off a ducks back :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

In other words, don’t let the [zb] get to you :sunglasses:

Jeeesus christ ! … You sound like a damm Walmart driver … Oh wait ! You are a Walmart driver :laughing:
Hey ! what days do you run the thruway Charlie boy ? I keep seeing Wallyworld motors and wonder if it’s you ?

Pat Hasler:

Pat, you need to think happy thoughts while your driving, go to your peacefull place, maybe play a relaxation cd with ocean waves and birds chirping then this will be like water off a ducks back :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

In other words, don’t let the [zb] get to you :sunglasses:

Jeeesus christ ! … You sound like a damm Walmart driver … Oh wait ! You are a Walmart driver :laughing:
Hey ! what days do you run the thruway Charlie boy ? I keep seeing Wallyworld motors and wonder if it’s you ?

I’m at Marcy NY (near Utica) Sunday night then go to Dunkirk NY and back to Albany Monday night. Wednesday i leave Chicopee MA and go to Johnstown NY (off exit 28) then to Dunkirk again then stop at Batavia or Waterloo NY, Thursday morning i allways eat breky at the Magee diner next to the petro at exit 41. I’ll try and remember to put my little Union Jack in the windscreen. Have’nt bothered to put my cb in so i just wave at everybody. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Just give up on your good old British driving etiquete Pat, forget lane discipline, stay in the travel lane at all times, don’t move over to the right at all and you’ll fit in nicely! Oh, and if you are in your car, just fold your mirrors in, you won’t need to use them at all.

Just give up on your good old British driving etiquete Pat, forget lane discipline, stay in the travel lane at all times, don’t move over to the right at all and you’ll fit in nicely! Oh, and if you are in your car, just fold your mirrors in, you won’t need to use them at all.

sounds like good advice :laughing:

hi pat, stuff a stote :laughing:
you wouldnt be that plastic bag whippersnapper who used to drive two abreast from park lane to the m1 would you :laughing: ive never seen such bad driving in all my time, :open_mouth:
cheers, me old mate me old buddy me old pal :laughing:

diesel dan:
hi pat, stuff a stote :laughing:
you wouldnt be that plastic bag whippersnapper who used to drive two abreast from park lane to the m1 would you :laughing: ive never seen such bad driving in all my time, :open_mouth:
cheers, me old mate me old buddy me old pal :laughing:

Yep, I was young and being trained by a bald headed old ■■■■ on how to create as much chaos as possible on the Edgware road :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

hi pat
how dare you say i was bald, it was just receding a little if you dont mind, wish we could return to those days if only for a little while,i think they were the best times to be lorry drivers,we had great fun every night, now you cant stop for a pee without the boss knowing, glad im out of it now :cry: :cry:

diesel dan:
hi pat
how dare you say i was bald, it was just receding a little if you dont mind, wish we could return to those days if only for a little while,i think they were the best times to be lorry drivers,we had great fun every night, now you cant stop for a pee without the boss knowing, glad im out of it now :cry: :cry:

Yep ! … it’s no fun anymore, I loved those old days mate. It wasn’t so bad when I worked on Fed Ex with Hop Scotch either. People over here don’t have the same sense of humour as well you know. I just leave it on for traffic news and delays etc. On the odd occasion I run for a few hours with Rich (longwayround) and as he is from Brackley we chat and joke endlessly, this would be because he is the only bloke who understands me :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Even the waitress at the Broadway diner say’s that when we are both there together she laughs constantly :laughing:

hi pat,
around 94 ms carriers were setting on english drivers,me and a chap from brackly had been offered a job and were all set to move over there, would this chap rich {longwayround} be one and the same chap. then out of the blue came a phone call from ms carriers stating that they couldnt get work permits, so that was the end of that , :cry: but i understand a few drivers got lucky :astonished:
cheers diesel

Diesel dan you’ll have to come on here a bit more often, you’re the only one so far who can stop ol’ misery guts from moaning :laughing:

hi newmercman,
pat isnt really a moaning old git all the time, its just that he is stuck there in the north east all on his own, :laughing: he just puts posts on here so he doesnt feel so lonely,nobody can understand him in upstate new york :laughing: :laughing:

diesel dan:
hi newmercman,
pat isnt really a moaning old git all the time, its just that he is stuck there in the north east all on his own, :laughing: he just puts posts on here so he doesnt feel so lonely,nobody can understand him in upstate new york :laughing: :laughing:

A lorry driver that dont moan all the time■■? :confused:

diesel dan:
hi newmercman,
pat isnt really a moaning old git all the time, its just that he is stuck there in the north east all on his own, :laughing: he just puts posts on here so he doesnt feel so lonely,nobody can understand him in upstate new york :laughing: :laughing:

I think you are right Pat is lonely up there. Not to many Brits to hang out with and have a proper laugh with.
Pat has a touch of cab fever, he needs to frequent the pubs around the Bronx and make some new friends. To much work and not enough play time. Layovers, and nights out in New York, I know I’d be fitting a little fun in there somehow.

Paul John:

diesel dan:
hi newmercman,
pat isnt really a moaning old git all the time, its just that he is stuck there in the north east all on his own, :laughing: he just puts posts on here so he doesnt feel so lonely,nobody can understand him in upstate new york :laughing: :laughing:

I think you are right Pat is lonely up there. Not to many Brits to hang out with and have a proper laugh with.
Pat has a touch of cab fever, he needs to frequent the pubs around the Bronx and make some new friends. To much work and not enough play time. Layovers, and nights out in New York, I know I’d be fitting a little fun in there somehow.

Especially with Pat’s dashing good looks and charm :laughing:

I must be due a trip up that way soon, I’ll buy him a pint and cheer him up a bit :wink:

Same applies to you Paul…except you’re buying the beers :laughing: