Am i been fussy?

just a short question you guys might help me with , i have been driving class 2 for nearlay 1 year now and i have had my class 1 since june the same time i started with my current job, however i can obly do 2 nights out a week due to family issues , ihave been out 3 times in the arctic and once on my own but i think the night out thing is stopping my boss letting have a go in them more , i was wondering is there any way i can get a day job or a night job in my area i live in bradford i dont mind travelling 20 miles or so is the agencys any good like for the supermarkets and do other firms take on new guys class 1 with little experince on days anywere?

who do you work for?theres macfarlanes tnt ceva all will take new drivers if there are jobs going macs will be your best bet always wanting drivers days or nights ring them there on crossgreen ind estate lds.hope this there always stobarts j41 good luck

Joda Freight Keighley

01535 634950

theres macfarlanes

And be prepared to be treated even more subhuman than drivers currently are anywhere else. :angry: :angry:

I would rather chew my own testicles,than go back to do ANY job for this bunch of tossers.


joda got offered a job there said no thanks there worse than macs 1hr driving left and your back down the road they work them to death :frowning:

One of the agencies in Bradford does all the work Tadcaster for the Brewery and they are shouting for drivers - can find the name if you want.

Try Mark Ingle ™ at Viamaster Transport in Morley, tel 01133076500

:blush: wrong post

Try Mark Ingle ™ at Viamaster Transport in Morley, tel 01133076500

Is he still there? :angry: He on his own is worse than Macs and Joda put together.

joda got offered a job there said no thanks there worse than macs 1hr driving left and your back down the road they work them to death :frowning: … cident.htm

A Health and Safety Executive (HSE) investigation found that Joda, based in Keighley, West Yorkshire, did not have a reliable system of communication in place to make sure their drivers were informed about the securing and stability of loads.

Of course things fall off when you remove the straps!