always the way

Nice little trunk to carnforth and the driver i swapped trailer with turns out to be a nice female trucker. Same age as me and ex army. But lives bloody miles away :frowning:

i am eagerly awaiting a txt though

Ah but how do you know she didn’t used to be a fella called Frank?? :smiley:

‘Down Boy’

She might like the ‘Ladies’ lol.

Typical Lonely Lorry Driver- only just met the Lady & he’s mapped out the next 30 years of his relationship. LOL !

we have mutual business interests

Ah but how do you know she didn’t used to be a fella called Frank?? :smiley:

Now that’s funny!

we have mutual business interests

Is she selling it and you’re buying■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

(I’ll ■■■■ off now) :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Ask her if she would let you be her pen pal.