Allikat's First week back at work, this time it bends!

First off - be kind to my poor server, it’s on domestic broadband…I need a fatter pipe (fnar fnar)

Well, I went to register with yet another new agency weds, having got bored with doin nowt. By the time I’d got home, the hands free was ringing in my ear. Can I start tomorrow 8am? Sure says I, it’s a night out, bring your digi card and night out gear.
When I get there, I see an old DAF 85, and this…

Well… looks like I’m out in that!!!
Very nice…

Ok, get in, dump my bags in the very nice cab… but wait… what’s this… something’s missing… it’s the clutch pedal!

Well, get it in gear, and onto this:

The M5 - yawn
First drop: B&Q Wellingboro. This pic doesn’t show the line of trailers parked in front of the bays, which made it tight. 6 shunts it took me… and that autobox and it’s computer controlled clutch had me bouncing round the cab…

I’m delivering plants… Am I dutch all of a sudden?

Next drop is a garden center in Milton Keynes, too busy working to take photos, so next one is here:

Didn’t fancy a night out at the m4 services at Reading, even with the ■■■■■ gone… so I went here:

down on the A4 south of J12. Much nicer, a proper transport cafe! And they even have this outside:

Time for a cuppa?

First drop of the morning, and I get it wrong… of course… ended up backing in here:
2 more drops later, and I like this box on the roads, but maneuvering is not easy. Makes me look like a newby… wait a minute… I am… :laughing:
It’s friday, cruising home on the M5 and what do I see?

Home, a few hours kip and saturday’s job is in this!

I like the Scanny wotsitcruise… it’s got a clutch pedal, I can reverse properly again! Yay!
And it’s down to the M25 again…

To Byfleet - where’s the martians?

Into Tesco’s RDC. Am I getting bored yet?

2 hours later… off to Reading to trailer swap, if you join Steady Lowbids, watch it in there, it gets soft round the back…

Back to Bridgewater, and park up, and home to sleep - lots

3 days, 35 hours, and a lot of distance… and I didn’t break anything!

hey alikat how bout resizing your pics to either 800by600 or 640by400

See… muppetry has struck… will fix that…

Try making the pics a bit bigger chap, the bloke in the next street cant quite see the edge of them! :laughing: :laughing:

Yeah yeah, fixed it… mutter

The advantages of having your own server… fixing it is quick… when the phone doesn’t ring - lol

good diary and pics mate :smiley: nice one

Nice job kat .

and after all that fun they will pay you aswell …

You are well on the way to re-couping the money it cost to get certified .

A nice dairy and photos,
as for
AS tronic gear box, it
should be able to put the gearbox
into a slower gearrange for reverseing??
like by MAN;

It had a crawl mode, as signified by the little turtle logo… but if you’re just feathering the throttle, it decides when it wants to pop the clutch in and out… sigh most annoying when it does that.

cheers alli a good read and i never new that old truckstop was there off of the m4

I spotted it by accident one time, you can only access it from the A4 southbound, but there’s a roundabout a few miles down the road in each direction. It’s about 10 miles south of J12. Parking is 10 quid a night. There’s a railway line down the back, but I got a good night’s sleep anyway.

Well done Allikat, on a sunday morning it raised a smile out of me.

Good luck for the next one

(Ha, just noticed…you one Trucknet day older than I am )

:laughing: :laughing:

Hi Allikat, Nice diary and pics.
Looks like you’ve landed on your feet.:grimacing:

Well done Allikat, on a sunday morning it raised a smile out of me.

Good luck for the next one

(Ha, just noticed…you one Trucknet day older than I am )

:laughing: :laughing:

Us Norfolk folk aren’t all backwards mate :slight_smile:
It was an… interesting first few days… Garden centers aren’t the best of places to take a car… so me in an artic… sheesh…

Nice diary. :slight_smile:

I live about 15 mins up the road from that Max Cafe, and have often wondered if anyone used it, it never struck me as very big, so it might be a blessing in disguise that nobody knows its there.

Although the fewer people that do, the higher the prices will go.

Nice diary and pics mate. :smiley:

Great diary , what an old fashioned girl you are wanting a truck with one of them clutch thingy’s :wink:

I’m glad things are working out for you , good luck :smiley: :smiley:

Great diary , what an old fashioned girl you are wanting a truck with one of them clutch thingy’s :wink:

I’m glad things are working out for you , good luck :smiley: :smiley:

Clutch? I’d like a twinsplit!!! :laughing: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I used to be a computer tech once upon a time… and I’d not trust them as far as I could throw them, let alone further than that.

Nice diary mate and good decent pictures :laughing: