Allergic to scanias?

Hi all.
I suffer from dermatitis on my hands caused in the main by an allergy to certain appoxy resins used in the manufacturing of alot of plastics. Now the last couple of times my dermatitis has flared up has been when I’ve been driving scanias. Just thinking that maybe they use one or more of these resins in there steering wheels.
Just wondering if anyone else seems to suffer from any medical conditions such as I’ve described when driving certain makes of truck or is it just me that’s a freak of nature?

Mother In Law has skin issues and she reckons it’s only when she comes here for a week or 2 (northerner)…maybe the hand soap or summat but her right hand, on the fleshy part of the thumb, breaks out in a multitude of white, pusy spots…I never let her make me a sarnie or a cup tea…she’d be touching me teabag etc! :open_mouth:

I had excema on the back of my knees a few years ago. My Mrs suggested not wearing anything with polyester in so I didn’t. No joy. One day ■■■■■■■ about with the seat in my lorry I noticed the fancy Foden seat covers were a mix of nylon and polyester. Took them off and the excema slowly disappeared. Firm not happy that I binned the seat covers, apparently they were expensive. :roll: Personally I’d rather they’d asked me if I wanted them, I’dve opted for the cash equivalent.

Most drivers are allergic to work!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Think yourself lucky pal!!! :wink: :wink: :wink: