Look like a good outfit , usually see them moving trains , would love to do that sort of work
Does anyone know what the things are on the back of the units ? Always wonderd lol
Does anyone know what the things are on the back of the units ? Always wonderd lol
Do you mean the sheeted boxes? if so they are boxes full of weights- needed to ensure the trucks retains traction when pushing/pulling - when “on the bar” no weight is imposed on the unit by the trailer or load so the weights are used instead the box fits on with container locks and then filled to the required weight
Heres one of my old motor ballasted up to 41 tonne-
If you mean the tanks etc - they are usually the fuel tanks/batteries/tool boxes etc moved of the chassis to provide room for things like extra axles, torque converters… on mine it had an extra radiator mounted behind the cab to provide cooling for the torque converter and retarder
Ahh right seen them n always wonderd , looks a good job heavy haulage especially stuff like they move