All these firms are the same

I sat down on the interview with new boss and he was like a breath of fresh air , we were going too work together , he’d look after me and make sure I was done by midday
Fri , you can’t believe the ■■■■ he’s given me tomorrow , I’ll be lucky if I get home never mind dinner time , and his ■■■■■■■ phones on voicemail :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :unamused:

If you want a job that has guaranteed hours and an early finish on Friday try stacking shelves at tossco, transport tends to need flexible staff, no doubt your boss would love to see your happy smiling face back in the yard by 11 am so you could wash your truck and go home by 12. Oops sorry you don’t wash trucks

Dozy - you are like the young girl who opens her legs every time someone professes their love for her…

Your just never happy Dozy, why don’t you just give it up your obviously not suited to the job.

Trucker Ed:
Your just never happy Dozy, why don’t you just give it up your obviously not suited to the job.

He’s Dozy not Happy, how many more times


Trucker Ed:
Your just never happy Dozy, why don’t you just give it up your obviously not suited to the job.

He’s Dozy not Happy, how many more times

agreed he’s dozy but he really need’s to see doc…

You can’t plan your life around transport
Dozy get out now before you have an heart attack mate :open_mouth:

How many more times dozy? Leave and goto McDonald’s

Dozy is as dozy does !

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I think I change of job is in order dozy maybe bin man or shelf stacking as others have said.

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Dozy you are obviously not suited to transport,you expect it to be run to suit you,it dont work like that. You can have interviews as many times as you like, eventually you will run out of firms to go to,the ending will always be the same in transport,the business comes before any Dozys of this world.

Well, nobody on here seems able to answer you question, so here goes. Yes they are all the same hope that clears it up for you. Good luck getting back by 12.00

should work for me i got back t 7am this morning finished :grimacing: and my other driver got back at 8am and finished :grimacing: he doesnt start back till 12pm monday

Hey Dozer…

Ever thought that you might be the problem?

this site needs a head in hands smilie

Hey Dozer…

Ever thought that you might be the problem?

this site needs a head in hands smilie

Oh dear. Oh dear, Oh dear, Oh dear… you ain’t 'alf got a lot to learn Dozy my friend! :unamused: Get on with it or leave. Your choice.


What is it these days when no one wants to start before 6 and be finished by mid day fri, doesnt want to go more than 150miles from base and expect the whole weekend off■■? Listening to this kind of bollox is akin to a creche… :unamused:

As I used to say to a clock-chasing ex colleague of mine many moons ago…

“If you need a guaranteed early finish, become a milkman!”

My theory is I start work Monday morning and hope to get finished some time on a Friday
I gave up with worrying about finish times as it was making me ill now I finish when i finish or run out of time

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