All the best!!

Have a good christmas and new year everyone. Lets just hope thatthings improve next year and that we are all still here to say the same in 12 months time.

Oh and to the ministry, hope your turkey burns and your veg boil dry and that santa brings you all a sense of humour. :laughing:

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to all…

Happy Xmas and a Prosperous New Year to you all… :sunglasses:

Nadolig llawen a blwyddyn newydd dda i pawb.

Nadolig llawen a blwyddyn newydd dda i pawb.

ruddy hell drunk already lol

unrhyw bacia atat a 'ch deulu


LETS HOPE 2011 IS A BETTER YEAR FOR ALL :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

A Merry Christmas from me too, and thanks for keeping your trucks rolling in the bad weather. All the best for 2011!!

Merry Christmas one and all, stay safe.

happy Christmas,

merry new year.

Merry Christmas Everybody :slight_smile:

merry christmas one and all lets have a good one

thinking of those serving in the forces and those less fortunate than myself

roll on 31st dec party animal time :smiley: :smiley: 1st jan :blush: :blush:

Merry xmas to those that are going to enjoy it, humbug to those (like me) that would rather do something else! And remember, if you plan to drink,don’t plan to drive. Me? I’m gonna sit here in Warwick services for 45mins and pick me nose and scratch me arse! Happy new year all

Whats up with you you bloody Gringe it is xmas and I just wanted to spread the good tidings. :stuck_out_tongue:

Merry christmas & a happy new year :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Merry christmas to you to :smiley:

merry christmas and a happy new year to all especially those who wont be home for xmas

merry xmas every one :slight_smile:

Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Happy Xmas to all,drive safe and enjoy. :slight_smile:

Merry Christmas to all, hope you all have a good one :laughing: :laughing: