All Hail King Boris!

Wow…I thought that last post would have wound up all the remainer wingers. :smiley:
2 and a half days, no response. :open_mouth:
Let’s hope they’ve all shut the ■■■■ up moaning finally, and we can all move on. :sunglasses:

I can’t see Boris handing over the £39billion if the EU won’t even start to put a trade deal together…

Perhaps what Boris should do, or indeed intends to do by this point is "dangle the 39billion as incentive to get a trade deal in front of us to sign BY January 31st to be fully implemented by December 31st 2020… At present, the EU won’t even put one together:

Come the last week of January, Boris can simply put forward HIS deal, which will have that 39billion removed, since the EU are not bothering with a trade deal.
They’ll then likely refuse the deal outright, and Boris can then leave on WTO terms, not have to bother with the transition period at all, and cease further payments to the EU as of 1st Febuary.

The EU will have thus CAUSED this No Deal Brexit - by refusing to table a free trade agreement - even a rough draft - of their own in time.

Our hand didn’t really get “strengthened” then - because the EU can’t afford to give us a free trade deal if they WANTED to - they continue to despair, and struggle to find ways to keep us paying the monthly subs until we wise up that possession is 9/10ths of the law - and we WIN the moment we leave on WTO, dumping all the losses associated with a no deal Brexit in the EU’s pockets - NOT ours.




I saw an interview with Nigel farage the other morning. He basically said the boris deal is a shockingly poor deal but it doesn’t matter as long as we leave. Really? Does everyone really want to leave that much that they are happy with a poor deal now as long as we leave?

Yes I wanted to remain. No I’m not a remoaner, I accept the result. Am I happy it about it? No. But I agree the result needs to be honoured. But i don’t understand how people have become so obsessed with brexit and making sure we leave that a bad deal is acceptable as long as we leave.

Be patient mate, you will soon understand.

When you are driving your wagon for minimum wage.

What do you mean by that

You wanted to understand the obsession with Brexit and leaving with a bad deal. A worse deal is having uncontrolled immigration and we have seen it in our job taking a toll on wages. Drivers are leaving in their droves and yet waves of EE drivers simply backfill the positions available and so the cycle continues.

There is NO driver shortage whatsoever and NEVER will be as long as there is a plentiful supply of cheap labour. So if things continue as they are, it won’t be long before some wagon driving jobs will be minimum wage. In some parts of the Country the wage for Class 2 is ALREADY barely above minimum wage, it’s a sad and pathetic state of affairs.

I’m with you Beaver, but there seems to be this misconception that Brexit is going to end immigration. It wont. We will get an even worse wave of immigrants, from further afield, willing to work for a lot less than we see now. That is besides the fact that I dont think that Eastern Euro drivers have kept wages low because they are willing to work for much less than us. Asian and Middle Eastern drivers will work for peanuts, and once Boris gets his way, and abolishes most workers rights, and the minimum wage, peanuts is what will be on offer. Look at what is happening in Canada…

Make no mistake, I didnt want Jezza, or his sidekick McDonald, in power, but anybody who thinks that Boris, or any Tory , is on the side of the working man, needs to examine history.

I’m wasn’t bothered about immigration when I voted leave, and I still am not.

It’s all about the money.

Had Labour come up with a hard brexit plan of their own, explaining that it meant the implementation of all their spending plans “without ever having to raise taxes” - then they wouldn’t have seen their support collapse as it has.

People talk about this “big labour defeat since 1935” and all - but the truth is that Labour still got over 10million votes DESPITE all the things happening that “put people off”.

That’s pretty impressive if you think about it, and should present hope for the future to any Labour supporter currently in a state of despair over their current position.

Get rid of Momentum - to heal the party.
You don’t need thuggery to get elected - just policies other than “tax hikes” to pay for your otherwise generous proposals.

I was really interested in this notion of “Universal Household Income” for example, as it meant an end to “Means Testing” which is a real bugbear for me - paying in one’s whole life and then being told “Sorry bud, you’re not skint enough” when you find yourself without a job “no notice” and struggling…
I hear one has to apply to be “eligable for a food bank”. WTF?? MORE means testing!!!

Under a fully-funded Universal Credit system - my household income would nearly double, so YEH I’m up for THAT!

Labour threw away BOTH magic money trees though. They wouldn’t speak in a hostile manner of these scandalous third world charities still getting 13billion per year off our PARLIAMENT (who ultimately approve such expenses) nor would they permit even a “Left Hard Brexit” of their OWN to be done.
We DID hear a lot of objections from Corbyn “I’ll do everything possible to prevent a Hard Tory Brexit” - but such implications - are far too subtle to the vast majority of Labour supporters, as they were no doubt designed to be…

“Doesn’t want to put off his Remainers, doesn’t want to drive away his Leavers”.

Well guess what? - Boris appealed to Remainers “support us against Corbyn”, with Farage throwing would be Brexit Party voters like myself - into the laps of the Conservatives, because I didn’t want any unfunded Labour government getting in neither!

Should Corbyn’s replacement now “not be of the Momentum Fringe” - those votes “loaned to Boris” at this election just gone - will go back at the NEXT one, unless Boris has done so much by that point that he’s actually EARNED them to keep!

Little chance of THAT though eh?

We’ve got a pantheon of Far Left, Hard Left, Lunatic Left, Stealth Left, and Only one Left - standing to replace the Corbyn & McDonut show. :unamused: … 4791d3154/

Yep, it’s all about the money!
Got enough you can still be European, anyone who wants to mention hypocrisy feel free.

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The Brits Who Won't Brexit – Wealthy Tory Donors Are Quietly Staying In The EU | HuffPost

Yep, it’s all about the money!
Got enough you can still be European, anyone who wants to mention hypocrisy feel free.

Sent from my R19 using Tapatalk


What like appointing unelected beaurocrats in the cabinet… Nicky Morgan, Zac Goldsmith…

And unelected ■■■■■■■■ advising him?

Still at least they are British Unelected beurocrats so that’s ok I suppose…

Voting for ANY main party - ends up being a gamble.

You realize a lot more from what poltiicians say they WON’T do - rather than the electorate believing those promises made that they, the politicians - know in advance they will not keep.

It wasn’t that Boris promised to “Get Brexit Done” then - I suggest it was Labour finally admitting that they had NO plans to EVER get Brexit done on their own, should they have found themselves in power.

That the SNP and Libdems wouldn’t go into coalition without Brexit being fully cancelled on the spot - meant that it was practically impossible for Labour to win power - even as a coalition government.

This election - was designed to polarize Parliament and end the “Hung Parliament Stalemate”.
It’s done that.

Time for us ALL to move on now, and concentrate on our local issues.
Having done my best to avoid NHS hospitals for some decades now - The NHS and the running of it - is NOT my top priority in life.
“Getting a well paid job, keeping it - and keeping the enemy at the gates off my back” - trumps ALL of that.

(Warning - Contains Swearing)

People like THIS are the “Enemy” I speak of btw.

Let’s not ever permit characters such as THIS from turning our NHS into nothing more than “Concentration Camps for the Right” where people of the RIght just get neglected to death when they have the misfortune to find themselves in such places…

And ‘‘People like that’’ supporting the Labour Party :open_mouth: … a party originally founded for the benefits and rights of the WORKING class?
Just about says it all how they have lost their way, they may as well be on another planet from the working class, than the way they have evolved over the last 20 to 30 years. :unamused:
They need a ■■■■ good clean out, and need to get back to basics and their roots, starting with a credible and realistic leader with proper old style Labour ideas and policies, and not TOO far to the left either.

Voting for ANY main party - ends up being a gamble.

You realize a lot more from what poltiicians say they WON’T do - rather than the electorate believing those promises made that they, the politicians - know in advance they will not keep.

It wasn’t that Boris promised to “Get Brexit Done” then - I suggest it was Labour finally admitting that they had NO plans to EVER get Brexit done on their own, should they have found themselves in power.

That the SNP and Libdems wouldn’t go into coalition without Brexit being fully cancelled on the spot - meant that it was practically impossible for Labour to win power - even as a coalition government.

This election - was designed to polarize Parliament and end the “Hung Parliament Stalemate”.
It’s done that.

Time for us ALL to move on now, and concentrate on our local issues.
Having done my best to avoid NHS hospitals for some decades now - The NHS and the running of it - is NOT my top priority in life.
“Getting a well paid job, keeping it - and keeping the enemy at the gates off my back” - trumps ALL of that.
(Warning - Contains Swearing)

People like THIS are the “Enemy” I speak of btw.

Let’s not ever permit characters such as THIS from turning our NHS into nothing more than “Concentration Camps for the Right” where people of the RIght just get neglected to death when they have the misfortune to find themselves in such places…

I don’t like to make personal comments about anyone but I really think someone should teach this young lady some manners. Hope her parents got a refund from that Swiss Finishing School !!!


Just about says it all I think. Tyneside

Just about says it all I think. Tyneside

Adolf Hitler’s looking a bit worse for wear on the right there! :laughing:

I agree though, Labour does need to reorient back towards people who actually work for a living, notwithstanding that the average Tory voter in 2019 is even more likely to have a title and a trust fund.


Just about says it all I think. Tyneside

Adolf Hitler’s looking a bit worse for wear on the right there! :laughing:

I agree though, Labour does need to reorient back towards people who actually work for a living, notwithstanding that the average Tory voter in 2019 is even more likely to have a title and a trust fund.

Dunno about “titles and trust funds” - but in today’s Tory Party you’ll probably more likely find a Pfeffel and Liz Truss Fund…

The National Socialists - knew how to tap into this “Mass Hysteria” that we now have seen laid bare up and down our now blue and pleasant land.

Labour - clearly dropped the ball on the issue of “How to tap into Mass Hysteria for political gain”.

They picked the wrong groups in society to make “Scapegoats” out of, clearly.
It isn’t Business Leaders making this country poorer, a lot of them being Jewish and all…
Those on the Right might have argued that it is “Benefit Scroungers” doing just that - BUT these are the core Labour voters!!
So what about Blue Collar PAYE taxpayers then?

If we have 76.2% of 16-60 year-olds employed right now…
Why appeal to the 23.8%■■?

Why did Labour appeal to the 48% for the same reason over Brexit?

If Corbyn wanted to take an automatic “Counter-Position” to Cameron’s REMAIN stance - then surely as a Eurosceptic himself - Corbyn should have picked up the Brexit Gauntlet, albeit “reluctantly” - and then pursued the very hardest of LEFT Brexits - that one that involves the UK Labour Government actually nationalizing all those utilities owned by EU FOREIGNERS which would be a whole lot easier following or during the Hard Brexit process than before it like we still are at the moment. :unamused:

I wonder if the ERG might yet prove to be a bigger threat to Boris Johnson’s otherwise “bulletproof” government should Brexit now be thrown under the bus when we clearly have the EU by the ■■■■■■■■ now?