All hail Juan Don

Another know it all on a bike.

Provokes a bus driver, gets a response then tells him he is loosing his job.

You just know that twerps going to end up yet another statistic, hope its not under a lorries wheels.

bloke is an absolute nob ,worst thing the bus drivers did was to engage him just fed his ego .He didn’t get many favorable comments either :grimacing: and why the hell won’t he use the cycle path would it be so he can video other road users as he ■■■■■■■ them off riding all over the road

and by the way i was also taught to pass other vehicles at a doors width

Cyclist is just spoiling for an argument. Unfortunately he came up against some dim witted bus drivers. ‘Its law you have to use a cycle lane if its there’ ‘we’re only allowed to give a door width’ two of the most stupid statements in this video.
Also makes you wonder why BTP exist.

Apparently if you are on a pedal cycle you are exempt from overtaking on the approach to a pedestrian crossing…cool :laughing:

See how long this stupid cyclist’s life lasts with an attitude like that, the bus driver is likely to be alive for many Christmases to come…:slight_smile::slight_smile:

Bloke cycles in the middle of the road most of the time for some reason.


Apparently if you are on a pedal cycle you are exempt from overtaking on the approach to a pedestrian crossing…cool :laughing:

^^ This…

The bus drivers were ■■■■ too, thinking a cyclist HAS to use a cycle path, but at the end of the day, if I remember correctly, it’s illegal to overtake on zig-zags (oh and the bus driver did this too)

Both a pair of ■■■■ in my opinion

Obviously a professional trouble maker,by filming everything he does then confronting working men,he’s out for trouble,he’ll get his come uppance.


Apparently if you are on a pedal cycle you are exempt from overtaking on the approach to a pedestrian crossing…cool :laughing:

^^ This…

The bus drivers were ■■■■ too, thinking a cyclist HAS to use a cycle path, but at the end of the day, if I remember correctly, it’s illegal to overtake on zig-zags (oh and the bus driver did this too)

Both a pair of ■■■■ in my opinion

I thought this too but I failed my first car driving test for not overtaking a cyclist at a zebra crossing. It’s perfectly legal as it come a under the same rules as a solid white line.
Highway Code rule 129 … 127-to-132

A car doors width…what car door mini or capri.?

it is illegal to overtake on the approach to a crossing,i know this because i caught for a tractor on my class1 on the way back to the test centre,nearly pulled out to go then spotted the crossing,pulled back in,the examiner said if i’d gone for it i’d of been pulled back in and failed,very serious offence.

the nob on the bike needs a smack and then go out and get a life.

A car doors width…what car door mini or capri.?

the best advice I was given was "give them as much room as they need to fall off, and a bit more "

This 2 wheeled prat needs a life.
Rode into the bus station. Sign says bus only.
Then went through no entry at bus depot.

He was all over the road, bet he tried to get a job as a bus driver, and was turned down.

He rides a stripped down bike at racing speeds among ordinary road users,this is a recipe for disaster.hope it happens sooner rather than later.Word will spread among the bus drivers and he will have a wee nudge sometime.A 9 stone man ■■■■■■ off a 16 stone driver who has a 12 ton bus I wonder who will come off second best?



Apparently if you are on a pedal cycle you are exempt from overtaking on the approach to a pedestrian crossing…cool :laughing:

^^ This…

The bus drivers were ■■■■ too, thinking a cyclist HAS to use a cycle path, but at the end of the day, if I remember correctly, it’s illegal to overtake on zig-zags (oh and the bus driver did this too)

Both a pair of ■■■■ in my opinion

I thought this too but I failed my first car driving test for not overtaking a cyclist at a zebra crossing. It’s perfectly legal as it come a under the same rules as a solid white line.
Highway Code rule 129 … 127-to-132

Wrong, its a 3 pointer…

You MUST NOT park on a crossing or in the area covered by the zig-zag lines. You MUST NOT overtake the moving vehicle nearest the crossing or the vehicle nearest the crossing which has stopped to give way to pedestrians.
Laws ZPPPCRGD regs 18, 20 & 24, RTRA sect 25(5) & TSRGD regs 10, 27 & 28 … 191-to-199
Rule 191

I cant see 129 applying anyway as he was riding a lot faster than 10 mph

I notice he didn’t show the rear facing camera for when he overtook the bus from the front it didn’t look like he cut in. I can’t remember if the bus was indicating to pull off or not either, if so the bus had right of way.

I can see why he thought the bus was too close, however I don’t think it was dangerously close yet too close all the same.

When I am overtaking a cyclist I leave as much room as physically possible and if that means encouraging oncoming vehicles to tuck in on their side so be it, I want the cyclist as far away as possible.