Well I’ve been tramping now for 4 weeks and next week is my last!!!
After all the trouble I had getting class 1 work, and tramping is king around here, I find it is not for me.
I know some of you are going to say I havn’t given it enough time, but I know me and you don’t. Tramping is not for me.
I have one or two things in the pipeline and hopefully will be going onto my old job on the buses. (At least this job has made me realise how cushy bus work really is, home every night, clean etc)
will keep you posted.
PS the firm was a good outfit and if anyone in this end of the woods is thinking about starting, I would reccomend them, It is just me that isn’t working out!!!
Are you sure you’ve given it enough time. My first job was tramping, and it was one hell of a shock. In the first few weeks I really was knackered and struggling with the work. I thought seriously about leaving but I’m glad I didn’t. Not long after thinking this wasn’t for me I was driving along getting on with the job and realised that I was enjoying it.
Good luck to you Semtex, at least you have the honesty to admit the reason is within yourself and not go slagging off the firm, the job and everyone in the industry.
BUT… and it is a big but …ive realised that i love my missus and my 3 yr old more.
so ive just packed in my 5 night a week tramping job (yes i know 6 day week WTD blah blah blah THATS WHAT POA IS FOR) and have just signed up with an Agency but am ideally looking for trunking or job and finish work now.
Tramping will always be there but my son wont always be 3 or 4 or 5 and so on, I missed most of 2 and half of 3 but i wont miss the rest.
When he’s a teen THATS when i go back on the tramping (and live in a caravan at weekends)
BUT… and it is a big but …ive realised that i love my missus and my 3 yr old more.
And that’s the rub isn’t it…
I was fortunate be have been around while my three were growing up and wouldn’t have missed it for the world. But now, 20 odd years later and two have fled the nest I can do what I want to do, and that’s tramping.
I started on the trollies for a few months to gain that valuable experience, but in my mind it’s not “real driving” and from the outset I knew what I wanted to do. I moved straight into tramping, carrying who knows what to who knows where the length and breadth of the country. I’d been bitten, even though the hours were long and we were pushed hard I knew this was what I wanted to do for the foreseeable future…
I’ve since compromised on the hours so have regained some sort of social life, albeit on the road, and get to spend a long w/e with the family — Talk about a pig in poop
100% agree with the two people above…I’m back up the road on Tuesday after my surgery, and whilst it’ll be good to be working again, I’m not exactly thrilled to be tramping. I love tramping, don’t get me wrong, but I’ve had nearly 6 years of it in various forms now, and it’s time for a break…tramping is there to go back to, my kids childhoods aren’t.
If anyone here’s of night trunk or even office work on Teesside, do shout!
its not much fun tramping in england.
the truckstops leave a lot to be desired,and they are looking for money off you the minute you stop.
if you have a pint,the police waiting to bag you in the morning.
european tramping is a lot easier and interesting.
i did a lot of it.
the truckstops/restaurants are way better and normally no parking fees.
better food.
and the police are not waiting for you in the morning.
having said that,if you have an accident,they will hang draw and quarter you.
then theres the traffic,i know europe is not perfect,but england is a guaranteed
traffic jam.
its not as bad in most places in europe.
and you get all over.
theres not a village that i have not been to in italty or spain and obviously france.
seen more of these countries than the natives.
i know its not a lot of countries,but i spent 25 yrs ,some tramping,some trip and finish,doing it.
now been of it for a few yrs.
i miss it.
problem is,how to explain this to she who must be obeyed.
my mates say i am too old and past it.
at 53 i dont think so.
ready and willing to go again.
just waiting for the right offer.
i loved italy,thought it was a fantastic country.
this driving is like a disease.
you start travelling when you are a young lad,get through the yrs,and still want to do it when most are thinking of retirment.
not for me.
i’l drive till i die.
i hope
I have been tramping for over 25 years now… I have NEVER worked for any of the supermarkets. always in general and fridges. I have left the job twice and done coaches and chauffeuring but each time have come back.
I enjoyed the coaches (mainly european work) and was earning a fortune on the chauffeuring but each time, I felt the ‘call’.
I used to run down the A3 at night in an S class Mercedes, all suited and booted, and see the trucks parked up there. I used to think ‘I miss that’.
Now I am back wearing sandals doing 99% European work and I couldn’t be happier.
I would go absolutely bonkers working for someone like Tesco’s or Sainsburys