Alert profesional

Oh dear! I came across alert profesional a few months back and was also duped into signing up. I wish id read this first! It would seem that the signing contracts and meetings stories havnt changed since the last post back in 2008. I guess its 70 odd quid i won’t be seeing again or even have the chance to earn back. There was promise of a big contract with the carlisle based company with the green trucks, w orking from crick. After 2 days of being told what i already knew (at my own expense) I’ve still not had a days work or so much as a call from these so called profesionals. I rang the afore mentioned haulier and was told that alert profesional had nothing to do with them and that i was one of many to have asked the same question! After reading previous posts it sent alarm bells ringing and and it all seems to fit into place. These guys are just out to line there own pockets at the expense of desperate drivers who cant afford it in the first place. I feel sick to my stomach, they’ll still be telling the same stories next year!

Be alert…your country needs lerts!

Sorry, couldn’t resist it :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

A big crock of....jpg
Now, then, and evermore - Amen!

Ditto. :exclamation: :exclamation: And good luck to you. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

the link to your previous brush with the law says it all

Attack a post, or post a link to FACTUAL info by all means, but please leave out the personal stuff and petty name-calling. dd.

like my brother fileep said we also went down and was promised the earth, as much work as we wanted, nothing came of it except a few texts sayiny that the man was meeting clients in a few days,the odd offer of a weeks work but i will give the man his dues he told me not to quit my job untill it was sorted

Fair enough sorry

has anybody had any dealings or actualy worked for this outfit… the ones who want to put professional back into the driving world :confused: :confused: interested to hear from anybody… many thanks

That sounds like Patrick from Ireland that sent a guy from TN to Milan to drive some dodgy tippers.with ref to Harlow.

Alert professional drivers?

hello everybody, well thought i would tell all you good old boys out there that almost a year on and alert
professional still have not come up with the goods lol.this post is just to let the newbie or the driver who has not yet encountered there unique style of bxxxxxxt. im lucky as i lernt very very quickly not to pay any attention to this mob from leicester,ocrs coarses… adr coarses… etc putting professional back into the driving industry oh my god there are good at soft soaping, this week it was (im sorry but there will be no work next week as the company that drives the yellow germen units have there own drivers on standby…■■ this is a outfit that the main man has been too more meetings with them than anything,but still did not find out no one was needed…■■ confirmed the week before by the way by the yellow company… how can this be i wonder…■■? all the way to liverpool, middlesborough and meetings with the big bosses… a o license that was not applied for in troon 3 weeks previous…■■ :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: professional…■■? not in a million years :imp: :imp: :imp:
will keep posting till they get the message to be professional and not bullxxxt everybody. :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:
so be ware of the professional outfit… BARGEPOLL… :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

(post merged- please try to use existing topics where available to save the board being overrun with topics on the same discussion thank you- Rikki)

I clicked on Rog,s link, and was transported off to a whole New World;One in which Newbies are judged to be in need of training,( after which they are awarded a Certficate),in the noble art of CLIMBING IN AND OUT of the waggon. It,s a good job I was,nt eating anything when I read that, I would have choked. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
I also learned that, According to a guy called “instructorone”, who apparently runs the outfit mentioned, there are 3600 numpties currently in wheelchairs, due to their inability to climb in and out of the cab.So perhaps the lads do need this very essential bit of training.after all. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Anyone needing a bit of a laff, and some timely advice, should click on Rog,s link. There are some great exchanges on the thread, especially those between Wheelnut and others,and Instructorone. :wink: :wink:
Take care up them steps :bulb:

hello everybody, well thought i would tell all you good old boys out there that almost a year on and alert
professional still have not come up with the goods lol.this post is just to let the newbie or the driver who has not yet encountered there unique style of bxxxxxxt. im lucky as i lernt very very quickly not to pay any attention to this mob from leicester,ocrs coarses… adr coarses… etc putting professional back into the driving industry oh my god there are good at soft soaping, this week it was (im sorry but there will be no work next week as the company that drives the yellow germen units have there own drivers on standby…■■ this is a outfit that the main man has been too more meetings with them than anything,but still did not find out no one was needed…■■ confirmed the week before by the way by the yellow company… how can this be i wonder…■■? all the way to liverpool, middlesborough and meetings with the big bosses… a o license that was not applied for in troon 3 weeks previous…■■ :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: professional…■■? not in a million years :imp: :imp: :imp:
will keep posting till they get the message to be professional and not bullxxxt everybody. :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:
so be ware of the professional outfit… BARGEPOLL… :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

(post merged- please try to use existing topics where available to save the board being overrun with topics on the same discussion thank you- Rikki)

What is the point of your post?

still have not come up with the goods

…If you are who i think you are,(If your not, i apologize) have you forgotten that Mon, and Tues when the office staff spent quite some time sorting your paperwork out for you, and do you not also remember as part of our commitment to the driver that i am on the end of the phone 24 hrs a day should any problems arise, e.g. One of the drivers were booked out of Hull to commence work at 08.00 on the Monday Morning. Unfortunately his vehicle was unattainable on the Sun eve so he was booked into the premier lodge for B+B, at our expense. Would you care to expand on any help and advice received while working for us? Did you have any complaints with your wages and did you not also say to me…

This is so professional i want more of it?

We’ve not had a single complaint from any of the drivers that work for that client.

ocrs coarses… adr coarses… etc

There are plenty of firms doing this with their drivers through plenty of providers!

but still did not find out no one was needed…■■

im sorry but there will be no work next week as the company that drives the yellow germen units have there own drivers on standby…■■

You’ve contradicted yourself there…

I also call that keeping you up to date with whats happened, they were booked the week before, and then cancelled the following week, that happens all over, we, aswell as the drivers are at the beck and call of our client, as an adult, you would understand that, theres no ■■■■■■■■ involved, they were booked, then cancelled, out of our hands.

after reading your reply im confused :question: :question: :question: :question: sorting out my paperwork :question: :question: wages :question: :question:
all i ever wanted was a job MATE… :open_mouth: the proplem is that while you are being screwxd around but still earning a wage and a living from your training some off us have put on hold our job search…! its not like we get a retainer to sit at home so at least we have a small income , perhaps this should be mentioned to customer… this may bring home to them and any others the true meaning of them forgetting they have there own standin drivers… or did they just forget about them :question: :question: :question: :question: ?:
i read a thread from last year about this and blokes had traveled hundreds off miles with a big promise of work… and yes there has been a down turn in the world… but they still had to pay out petrol food and some payed for lodgings :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: all may i add on the premise of getting there reciepts sorted when they started work…MATE… i wonder if they ever done this…? its a very long time too keep or not mislay reciepts… MATE…and too you thinking you know who i am…■■? i would have loved too done some work and even better to be payed…MATE… :blush: :blush: :blush:
all thats needed is to committ in a financial manner to the ones in the yellow units to pay when they break a commitment…the banks make us pay when we overlook things… :imp: :imp: :imp:
not the person your thinking off…MATE… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

not the person your thinking off…MATE…

Really? Your initials give you away, how would you know i was in meetings at these places this week, and you knew you were stood down as they had their own drivers standing, also, when i let you know by text i had read your post on here, you didn’t dispute it then…

again,If i have the wrong guy Dave, i apologize again!

Bearing in mind that the current state of the economy is doing no-one any favours.Could I just say this about this thread.I have sympathy for both sides in this. On the one hand we have"dmh1066", who is looking for work, and feels that he is not getting the service he expected from the Driver Agency/Training School operated by “Instructorone”.He has chosen to publicise this on the public forum which TNUK is.On the other hand we have" Instructorone",who again on a public forum, is being forced to defend his position, against “dmh1066”.s accusations,as published on this site. He, trying as he appears to be, to run a business, is also is under pressure; Stuck as he is between his customers, who apparently at short notice,notify him that they no longer need the driver which they had booked, and those like"dmh1066", who feel seriously aggrieved when ,for whatever reason, the day/weeks driving that they feel had been promised to them does not materialise. I am on the outside of all this.I know neither of of the people directly involved. But, as it is a public forum, I am allowed to pass an opinion. I am having a go at no-one when I say this. Is this not a problem that would be better sorted out privately;■■ Failing that can in not be dropped completely?? Before anyone gets hurt either Financially, or Physically, or both.There seems to be some serious bad feeling on both sides. :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face:

Is this not a problem that would be better sorted out privately;■■

What a good idea, and I suggest that would be far better for all concerned :bulb: :bulb:

phew :laughing: :laughing:

i just wanted to work and lets draw a big fat line under it… :exclamation: :exclamation: once bitten and all… good luck too all :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Ditto. :exclamation: :exclamation: And good luck to you. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Best Wishes to the two of you.In the long run probably the best result , in the circumstances.Good Luck with the job search dmh1066.Good Luck with the business of finding work for guys like him ,in these difficult times, Instructorone.

ps. I see from your post on the other thread on this subject,dmh1066,that you have now got a New Job. Congratulations , and Best Wishes. :wink: :wink: ( posted Wed 13th May).