
we might have a job coming uo in albania , not been there before , anyone got any info or tips please :smiley:

Probably not much use but Norman Wisdom is very big there, some of his movies on DVD may help ease things along at borders etc. Or tell them you are good friend of Mr Pitkin. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

i can always trust coffeeholic to help im my hour of need , do they eat ham sandwichs there :imp: :smiley: :smiley:

mad monk:
i can always trust coffeeholic to help im my hour of need , do they eat ham sandwichs there :imp: :smiley: :smiley:

Dunno, but I’m sure you’ll try to order one as soon as things go pear shaped. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

And the above was serious advice BTW. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

i dont know if i should admit this but i do have a box presentation of all his films , cant hurt to have it under the bunk . :blush:

Mad Monk, PM me and let me know what you are looking for… Used to live there and can hopefully steer you around some of the pit falls…

try loking through this site, i wil have a look elsewhere
and see if i can find any more sites which nay help,


thanks pete

roads nonexistent, people very friendly, borders quite relaxed, I guess the easiest way would be to take a ferry from Bari(about 10hours) or Ancona(22 or so hours) to Durres, costs about 350 euros from Bari. there is a need for a visa though, it costs a whopping €1 at the border.
the police doesn’t care too much for foreign trucks, due to their comprehension of no language other that their own, speeding is quite difficult anyway

mad monk:
we might have a job coming uo in albania , not been there before , anyone got any info or tips please :smiley:

It’s not that removals job, is it?

HAVE a read through also look at
the links given at the bottom of
the page, these will give you
a little more informatiom
i am still looking,another point
have you tried the MINISTERY
of TRANSPORT as they should
also be able to supply a booklet with
tips and information about ALBANIA
as they do have booklets for every country
the UK has commercial traffic of goods.

SORRY here is the link,HERE

If it helps, I read an article by Jeremy Clarkson a few weeks ago where he wrote…

In Albania there is no sense of right and wrong, only rich and poor

I haven’t been there myself but have visited its neighbours and that seems to be the general ethic in that part of Europe.

MISSING LINK in my last post

Remember to talk about Enver Hoxha the much beloved president :stuck_out_tongue:

He was the bloke who banned people from wearing a beard like him. It was also frowned upon if you called your kids anything religous or carried a Bible or the Quoran

One of our earlier convoys (before my time) went to Kosovo via Albania. They tell me that the roads were terrible (in the worst case - 10 hours to cover 100 km), and they’ve vowed never to go that route again.

Have fun :wink:

Forget the beard, was this not the place the president renamed the days of the week after his children.

Now that’s someone with too much time on their hands…

Forget the beard, was this not the place the president renamed the days of the week after his children.

Now that’s someone with too much time on their hands…
