
Bit of a dodgy topic for some people, as its not their cup of tea, but if youd got a blank cheque to get some airbrushing done what theme would you have?

Think id go for a Robocop themed one, never seen it done before.

Thought i’d answered this before, and i did back in '03. Think I’ll go with the same answer as I did then, ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■ :wink:

I airbrushed my first one with clydesdale horses pulling a plough…1985

Spitfires flying over the Seven Sisters cliffs.

Probably on a metallic blue unit unit I think

Trucks and stupid paint jobs.

IT’S A TRUCK. It moves goods from A to B. Nothing more.

Trucks and stupid paint jobs.

IT’S A TRUCK. It moves goods from A to B. Nothing more.

I`m with Chunky on this one, WTF do you want to waste hard earned money on stupid paint jobs for :blush: its does my swede in :open_mouth:

No wonder customers don`t take hauliers seriously at times, when a fair ground contraption turns up, AFJ IMHO :angry: :confused: :unamused:

Here you are Bug.

I found it on barryboys :wink:

I’ve always fancied a unit and box trailer airbrushed with the Mallard reaching that magic 125 down Stoke Bank south of Grantham, would make a change from the normal themes of films and the such like.

Stanley Mitchell:

Trucks and stupid paint jobs.

IT’S A TRUCK. It moves goods from A to B. Nothing more.

I`m with Chunky on this one, WTF do you want to waste hard earned money on stupid paint jobs for :blush: its does my swede in :open_mouth:

No wonder customers don`t take hauliers seriously at times, when a fair ground contraption turns up, AFJ IMHO :angry: :confused: :unamused:

Yeah i fully agree. What kind of fool takes a pride in what they do? :unamused: :unamused: It’s nice to see airbrush work, but it’s not for me. Live and let live.
Some people spend all weekend in the pub peeing their hard earned up the wall, me personally, i spend mine on polish. ■■■■ good job we ain’t all the same.

Seen this at Abingdon a few weeks back…

^^Is that Cliff Richard in the middle?!?!^^^

id do afull iron maiden cover with the powerslave album cover on it with a fullsize ed on 1 side thier mascot and the rest of the group over ths cab.or even a ozzy osbourne theme one aswell

I think its great for people to take pride in what their vehicles look like. Some people like lights bars and airbrush paint work. Its down to personal preference. I wouldnt have thought it to be a bad thing for the industry, just look at how much attention the trucks get at shows and out on the road, from both people in the industry and outside of it.

A charity would get the dosh over any painty nonsense, sorry…

Great idea Thunder!!!

I’d have that done too

i dont know if it has been done but i think the red arrows would look quite smart especially on an electric blue unit

In The Night Garden theme,

You,ll be a mums hero :laughing:

It’s only a truck, yeah, but if someone else will pay for it…

I would take some Impresionism work on it - maybe something of Monet or similar.

Or some Picasso.

Or I would put something really silly and stupid to look at people’s faces :wink:


Stanley Mitchell:

Trucks and stupid paint jobs.

IT’S A TRUCK. It moves goods from A to B. Nothing more.

I`m with Chunky on this one, WTF do you want to waste hard earned money on stupid paint jobs for :blush: its does my swede in :open_mouth:

No wonder customers don`t take hauliers seriously at times, when a fair ground contraption turns up, AFJ IMHO :angry: :confused: :unamused:

Yeah i fully agree. What kind of fool takes a pride in what they do? :unamused: :unamused: It’s nice to see airbrush work, but it’s not for me. Live and let live.
Some people spend all weekend in the pub peeing their hard earned up the wall, me personally, i spend mine on polish. ■■■■ good job we ain’t all the same.

TBF, Mr Vain, yours does like “nice”, not over the top IMHO.

But, the last time I looked, you had not applied “DUMBO” to the doors, unlike a that Scania I saw on A14 last week WTFis that about ■■?

You cannot go cap in hand to your customers for more dosh, then spend it on BLING, surely :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I once subbed to an old school haulier, [the ones that made loads of dosh] who reminded me, that “lorries”, were there to perform a function ; MAKE MONEY, not to resemble a fairground generator :blush: :blush: :blush:

The best trucks for “looks”, on the road today, are the “Ralph Davies” fleet, either in black or white, very tasteful, very professional, a credit to the industry.

Happy Keith:
A charity would get the dosh over any painty nonsense, sorry…

I do charity work with my motor and the attention it draws for the charity even surprses me at times.

Thank you Stanley :sunglasses: