Agencys in the rotherham area?

hi im just enquiring if anyone knows any decent agencys in the rotherham / sheffield areas■■? im currently working 5 days per week with my current employer but im wanting to get out on the road full time. also has any1 got any info on newell and wrights? pay and working conditions etc thanks.

is 5 days a week not good enough for you?

sorry afink its the way ive wrote it, im not full time driving at the minute im just working as a fitter at the moment but moneys not too great and i want to get out on the road.

Money ain’t any better out on the road. The only reason you get a big wage is cos you’ve done 60-80hrs and nighted out all week to get it. Per hour, its probably worse than where you are now.

Nowt wrong with NWT don’t know if they taking on at the moment but it’s always worth a try

hi im just enquiring if anyone knows any decent agencys in the rotherham / sheffield areas■■? im currently working 5 days per week with my current employer but im wanting to get out on the road full time. also has any1 got any info on newell and wrights? pay and working conditions etc thanks.

the words decent and agency may be a contradiction in terms but of the few i’ve worked for D.A Coopers pay ok but require trampers or weekend drivers mainly, able the agency can put you in stobart tescos at balborough if thats your thing but monies poor, other than that topgear or taskmaster have some decent paying work, just depends what your after, generally if an agency can offer full time work it’s either crap money, crap work or nights starting at 11 or 12 o’clock, suits some but not others.

work is slack ATM, but there are a couple of agencies in the area doing ok. The ones paulB mention are supplying drivers to those 2. Sorry I know its itchy feet season, but I would be taking bread off my own table if I told the OP who they where. So I`d advise him to sit tight a while until things pick up